Quick Goodnight!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Hello!!! Its 2am here so I am not going to do a long post tonight. I had a very busy day.. and a busy night too. But it was great! We all had a beautiful night.. had a great dinner..lots of laughs and giggles.. and I finished it off with a long milk bath which was amazing.. I'm totally addicted. And now I lay in bed watching a great movie and plan on sleeping in as long as Jackson will let me! 

I really need to try to focus on the house over the weekend.. plus laundry. Scott works till 4 but after he gets home I think we are going hiking for pine cones. Should be fun! 

Have a beautiful weekend.. We'll chat more tomorrow afternoon! 

Stay tuned for the weekend steals & deals! 


K Jaggers

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