Happy weekend! I hope each of you are enjoying your Saturday! I am just being lazy right now hanging around the house. Jackson got off to his triathlon around 730. I was so tired getting up that early today. But I saw him off bright and early.. Husby went with him and took lots of pictures! I will get them up later today.. but he did it.. he finished! He did 4 laps in the pool, 2 miles on his bike, and a 1 mile run! WOW!! I would have died trying that. But I am so PROUD of him!!
I guess the boys were cold this morning because when I woke up the air was off on both the first and second floor. It was so hot in this house. Right now the air is doing its best to cool off.
So isn't that some adorable pictures of Romeo!? Last night he played in his travel case like crazy! I guess he is trying to tell me that he needs a vacation too! =)
Right now I am laid up on the couch watching.
Have you seen this show? I don't know how I stumbled upon it but I'm hooked. Its amazing... I think I already told you about this show but the new episodes are Saturday @10 pm on Net Geo Wild.. Check it out! =)
Today I plan on doing a little more shopping. I hope to get the rest of the Loreal Le Gloss. I am totally in love with them and I will have the entire line before the weekend is over! Husby said he wants to take Jackson golfing this afternoon so that might be the perfect time to go shopping! I don't know how Jackson is going to go golfing today. He is @ his friends now and I know hes tired from getting up so early and doing his triathlon. But I think its good to keep him busy!
Anyway, I will be working on the drugstore steals and deals today.. I also have a few freebies to get posted!
So stay tuned!
K Jaggers
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