Time for Bed...

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Hello friends! I hope you enjoyed your Friday. I seemed to stay pretty busy.. and truthfully I was a grump most of the day. I really didn't want to leave the house today. It seemed to me that I got behind every bad and slow driver in the county while I was running errands. I am never the kind of person who gets road rage but I seriously wanted to slam on the horn more than once today. Thankfully it was just me in the car bitching at the terrible drivers.. I really think I should have never went out today. But I did stumble upon some good finds.
When I was out at Walmart today for some reason.. I saw these sweats hanging up and I just wanted them. Maybe that says what kind of mood I was in.. 

Comfy Sweats..

So  I bought them.. and I also bought a cute top. 

Is that not a cute little t-shirt?

I think this is a perfect fall at home weekend outfit. I am a comfort kind of girl and sweats are awesome for chilly weather! It makes no difference if its from Walmart or the Gap to me. I actually think once a week, I am going to get a new comfy outfit so when it does start to cool down, I have a bunch of new easy clothes. I  bought Jackson some clothes too. I wish I could buy sweats for my husband but he NEVER would wear them. Its just not his thing.. 

I got Jackson picked up from the bus stop.. took off to get our traditional milk shakes and then we came back and both passed out asleep. I woke up first at 6pm.. and he woke right before Scott got home around 630. Husby was tired too.. and even dosed off for about 30 minutes. 

We had a few more errands to run so back out we went. I ended up getting a few more things too. 

I wanted to get some Velcro rollers.. I gave mine to a friend many months ago when my hair was longer. But I chopped it off and I didn't see the point in using them anymore.. UNTIL.. another friend told me she styles her bob with these rollers. That got me thinking.. so I had to get some. 

I also got 2 more of the Loreal Le Gloss. 

I got this one in #154 Watermelon Crush

and this one in 

#159 - Golden Splash.

I already showed you in this post the others I got today too. 

Let me explain why I got so many of these. You guys know by now, I love makeup. I have boxes full because its a big passion of mine. I also get samples in a lot. Yesterday my husband noticed we had used the last q-tip in the house. So I went to my make up travel case to get him our little sample pack to use until I could get to the store. I store a lot of freebies and samples in that bag so I don't have to pack so much when we go on a trip. I had 3 samples of this lip gloss. So I got them out.. tried them yesterday and today and totally FELL IN LOVE. I am lucky because I kind prepare for moments like this. I have 12 Loreal coupons that I need to use up anyway.. so far I have only used 8. They were kinda pricey @ $7.99 each. But you can find them on sale on the time! I also had a lot of CVS Extra Care Bucks that helped bring the bill down too. 

I now have 8.. I think there is maybe 12 in the collection and I plan on getting the rest. Clearly I love these and I should have my head examined for not trying them out sooner. I am not a huge lip gloss person. I have a few favorites and I leave it at that.. but if you haven't tried these.. go pick one up and I bet you will be hooked too. I will probably buy the rest tomorrow or on Sunday.  I will get swatches up soon too. Gosh.. I have so many swatches piled up and waiting on me! And in time I will get a full video review up on these with a video! It sure made my day to get these glosses!! I am lucky because I save my coupons really well and normally and if I find something I L♥ve.. I buy the entire line. Guess that's why I end up with so much makeup! 

Once we got back home.. we totally vegged out. Nothing went on around here. I didn't cook.. we didn't get food while we were out either so we came home and snacked through dinner. None of us were very hungry. so it worked out well.

Tomorrow Jackson is having his triathlon!! Why would they do it at 730 am?? Its crazy. Scott told me to stay home and he would go with him. I kinda feel bad but I do think its something for the 2 boys to go do together. My mom told me to get a cup of coffee and go. Its 2am right now so I don't know if thats going to happen or not. I am getting up with him at 7 but I think I will just have to make it up to him. He told me hes not that excited about getting up that early either and that he will want to come home and take a nap. I know he can't wait to sleep in on Sunday!

Well, I have rambled on wayyy to much! 

Have a beautiful weekend! 

K Jaggers

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