Welcome to Monday!

Monday, June 4, 2012


Hello friends! How is your Monday going!? I woke up to a little boy kissing me good morning! How sweet is that!? Gosh.. I am so blessed with those kiddos! 

I don't have a long time.. I have to get cleaned up because we are heading to Jackson's new school to turn in his paperwork for next year.. - They said to get it in now and he will be on the teachers/class roster when the beginning of the school year starts. - Since my car is in the shop.. Scott is coming home to get me and then go with us.. and then we will go back to the dealership to get me a car to drive. I really appreciate his boss being so kind and sweet to me.  Guess I should have him over for dinner again soon! We are having a cookout on the 4th of July.. so maybe that would be a great time to have him over! 

Anyway, I have lots to do this week. I have no idea how I am going to get it all done.  But today I am going to be running around town.. and I am also going to try to work on my messy closet later. I have a huge freaking closet and its a total mess right now. Clothes on the floor.. shoes just tossed in there.. I hate it being such a mess... it drives me crazy.. so time to organize things.. and maybe little Brittany can help me out! 

Did you guys know that June is 

Wow.. I sure wouldn't mind heading down to the animal shelter and getting another furry kid to join the Jaggers Family. Not sure if husby would go along with it or not. Our cattery is small.. and its only Persians so getting one from the shelter means it would have to be fixed for sure and it would also have to be checked out really well with a Vet. You never want to bring in an outside pet when you have other pets around the house. They could have anything and you should always protect the pets in your home first.

But since we are in adopt a cat month.. check out this cute baby that is in the Shelby NC Animal Shelter.. 

Adopt a Pet ::  Callie (courtesy post) - Spartanburg, SC -  Domestic ShorthairMix

how cute is this baby! 

Anyway.. never know.. I might just give him a home! 

So check out your local shelter if you want to take a part in Adopt a Cat month! 

Well, I have some quick coupon posts that I want to get up before I get cleaned up to head to Jackson's School.. so check back soon! 


K Jaggers