Hello everyone! Hope you had a beautiful Sunday with your friends and family!! Around our house today, things went really good! Scott got up to play golf.. and I was lucky enough to be able to sleep in till 11:00am.. THANK YOU JACKSON!! When I came downstairs, both of my kids were
hanging out in the living room with their laptops and being quiet.. I couldn't believe it! The living room was a little bit of a mess but nothing that I couldn't get cleaned up in a hurry.
A cup of coffee later and I was already getting dinner in the oven..
A very yummy beef roast.. this is actually another recipe of my grandmothers but this time its my grandmother Watteaus recipe.. You can find it here! One thing I loved today in regards to the roast was picking fresh herbs right out of our own garden! LOVE IT!!
I fertilized the plants on the back deck today..
and when I was out there.. my Jackson wanted to help too!
I think its great when kids can see how things grow.. I can't wait for the tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, and zucchini start growing so they can help pick them!
( By the way.. did you see the cool sweet pepper tip that I posted today?? Its right here if you want to check it out! )
Before long Scott got home and some how the house got really quiet! I couldn't believe it.. Scott went and took a nap and the kids both hung out in their rooms and I thought I was in the wrong house for a few minutes. Everything was so quiet.. SHOCKING..
Once Scott got up we got busy running a few errands..
on such a beautiful day.
While we were out.. I got my Sunday paper which was..
full of coupons!
When Jackson does slow down... he gets
sleepy.. but my Brittany
sure stays up! Shes so freaking cute!
We got home.. worked out in the yard for about 45 minutes and then it was time to get dinner on the table..
I have been making the kids set the table each night.. its not perfect but I am happy to have the help perfect or not!
Look at how yummy the beef roast looks!!!
I also made some smashed red potatoes to serve up with it..
And its pretty much a tradition to serve cottage cheese anytime we serve beef roast.
Its a great combination.. try it sometime!
Brittany snapped this picture of me while I was getting drinks for dinner and I promised I would put it up on here!
She loved the sun coming in behind me..
We got seated for dinner and
it was a huge hit with everyone.. Even my picky Jackson cleaned his plate!
And for dessert we had a fresh
Angel food cake! Yummmm!!
After dinner, the kids cleared the table.. another chore that they both have to do.. I am loving the help!
By then 8pm came upon us and it was time to see Adels performance and interview..
Brittany Belle laid back with
her Romeo and watched it too. As did Scott! =) - I love this picture of Scott and the kitty! -
I hung out for a while and then escaped to a hot bath.. got out and
did Brittanys nails.. I can't believe she picked out red!!
I made the coffee, played outside in the dark with the dog.. and now then got this treat..
that I plan on doing a review on in the coming days!
So did you guys check out the new summer calender at the bottom of the blog?? We are planning so much with the kids that I don't know how we are going to fit it all in! I am still working on some more summer activities at home for the kids.. so check back often for updates. My hope is that you will be inspired to make the summer great for your family too. Summers are always about the kids in our home.. and this year we will have 1 extra that we are picking up this weekend. Scott is totally excited and I can't wait to get him.. and get back home. Its going to be a super long ride.. and I am sure its going to be exhausting.
We went to the dealership tonight to pick up a loaner car. and they were all out of them!! Yep.. so I am sure I will have something tomorrow.. I am suppose to take Jackson to his new school tomorrow @ 2pm and if I don't have a car.. then I am going to have to reschedule till Tuesday. Then Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday its going to be busy.. I have a ton of things to get ready for the kids to take to Courtneys for the weekend. She has 2 boys of her own and I want to make things as easy as I can for her. I am sending meals over.. got to get their clothes packed.. sleeping bags.. and activities for them...I also have to pack us up.. and sometime before we leave I have to go buy another bed. This has been the year of the beds in our home. We just keep buying them! I am also wanting to get my closet cleaned up a little because its a total mess..I am hoping that tomorrow I can start on that.
Anyway, it was a great weekend around here! How was your weekend!? If you have any summer kid activites I would love to hear from you and share them on here! Send them in!!! mrskishajaggers@gmail.com
Have a great Monday!
K Jaggers