Sleepy Night.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Ok.. is this seriously not the cutest cat ever!? He is so freaking precious. Everyone of us in this house can't stop kissing him.. husby included! He's so sweet and is very affectionate. But he is starting to become more of the alpha male and its pretty fun watching him try to be boss of all the animals when he is so little! 


Today was a great day spent around the house playing with the kids and also working around the house. Again.. my feet are hurting. I wear really good Nike Shox most of the time with those comfy in souls and the rest of the time I am either running around barefoot or in a fluffy pair of socks ( mostly in the night ) so I am thinking its just being on my feet a lot more chasing after all the kids. 

First off I had to share this picture of Scott drenching the kids.. I only got 1 picture but you can see.. 

Jackson got really wet! I just thought it was cute! 

It was sweet this morning.. I got up at 10am but stayed upstairs for the most part so the boys could finish watching what they wanted down stairs on the living room tv.. But it wasn't long before 

Zane and Jackson both were in my bed! Precious! I loved it! Brittany was still asleep.  But it wasn't long until she joined us. 

I started up watching The View.. a great way to start the day after all the long traveling we did. I always like to start off with Headline News and The View.. when I can! BTW.. I spilled my coffee off my night stand.. onto one of my purses.. that had my camera in it.. and its not working anymore. Thankfully its under warranty still ( till September ) and I will be shipping it off to be repaired soon. I have to go get another copy of my receipt from Walmart first. I don't know if you guys know this.. if you know what date you bought an item.. in what department.. how you paid.. Walmart can find the receipt. I have had to do it before. So in the meantime I will have to use my phone! 

I got up and got lunch ready.. We were having a very easy lunch.. Sandwiches, chips and dip..pudding.. and served with root-beer.. but I didn't realize I was out of chip dip. 

So since I stay stocked up, I had a box of Ranch Mixes and some sour cream and 

mixed it up myself.. ( The kids loved it! ) 

I took off to get some sets of cards for us to play at lunch.. Scott had came home sick.. and was sleeping upstairs. I don't know what was wrong with him today. He was sick to his stomach.. even the night before he was sick.. and then he got up.. barely got ready for work.. but went in.. He was home by noon. 

It was pouring rain all morning long.. and even into the early afternoon. So a indoor card game was just right for us.. 

Lunch was served.. 

One of the card games I got was.. 

It took a little while to get use to it but after the first game we got it figured out! 

I played 3 games with them while we ate.. and 

then the kids played a couple games by themselves! 

Scott woke up about an hour later and then he got showered and back to work he went.. looking terrible. 

It finally stopped for the afternoon and all the kids got outside for some fun time! 

including Cooper!

It wasn't long before guess who came back home!?

He was only at work for less than an hour before coming back home and going to bed. 

I stayed busy on the.. 

massive amount of laundry. It took all day to do.. I got them all folded and hung up 

but everything is still downstairs waiting on me to put it up tomorrow. I was just too tired to do it all tonight. 

Another thing I did today was make the kids all cups 

because I was tired of them piling up tons of cups in the sink.. I just grabbed a close green sharpie and just put their names on them. And it did help.. 

I stayed busy around the house non stop today... and the funny thing ( well not so funny ) is that it doesn't look like it worked all day around here.. but I think thats just part of having a bunch of kids running through it. 

Before I knew it.. it was 7pm and I had to cook something for dinner. I took request from the kids and they wanted breakfast.. shocker!! 

So I got busy cooking up 

2 lbs of bacon..

which took a while. 

I decided to serve them up with tator tots.. 

and lots of scrambled eggs..

which were really good! 

I decided to wait for a while to eat and husby was sick in bed so the kids ate on their own but 

I sat down with them for a while and enjoyed their conversations! 

The boys made it up to my bath tub afterwards to play with a 

little boat that works in the water.. I even watched for a few minutes! 

I loved this picture of my little Romeo with Big Super Cooper. 

Taken from the upstairs balcony. 

After a while I went along with another game but this time it was.. 

I had to buy more of these today because each summer they always get lost.. I hate that too! 

We had 3 games of Uno and then 2 games of 

the Monopoly card game.. 

I then worked on getting my small haul posted.. 

You can check that out here.. 

Ohh.. while we were eating at Cracker Barrel over our road trip.. I got this 

new sweater.. It was freezing in there and I needed something to keep warm with. 

It has these pretty little flowers around the edges.. It cost more than dinner so I won't be wearing this everyday. 

All the kids had to get showers and then I finally got a bath of my own. 

Husbys bath is just as nice as mine and it totally made me feel better.. still tired but I felt much better after a long soak.

I am exhausted and I am getting to bed.

Have a great Tuesday!


K Jaggers