Picture Quote + Message

Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Compete with yourself.

Hello! Happy Happy Wednesday Evening.. You know what that means right!?
American Idol night!  Wooooo - hoooo!! I am sitting here watching it as I type this! Totally excited for all 3 of them!

Sorry I went MIA today.. As you guys all know that I am trying to get my community service done this week... driving issues.. but I am getting up super early.. for me.. and even going to bed earlier..very strange huh?

It was so freaking easy today that it wasn't even funny! I sat around.. played online.. took a walk.. hung out with the some of the Army guys and chit chatted about guns and such. Went to a nice lunch ( which is counted ) with a couple new friends and then came back and painted my nails. Yea.. couldn't have asked for a better place to do my community service. The Army guys don't care what we do.. as long as we are there. I will just be happy to get it finished up tomorrow. I didn't even make it home today till 445. Then I came home and totally crashed out till 6.

Thankfully, I talked Scott into going out to dinner ( pictures to come later ) and now we are just sitting back listening to some amazing music. Great night!

My house is suffering from not being home all week so I am sure I will be working around here on the weekend. I think after I stay all day at community service tomorrow.. I will only have to stay there an hr or two on Friday! Woooooo - hoooooo! Sooo happy to be getting this crap done finally. I don't mind talking about it because its all lessons. I know that if I don't want to be there again.. I have to drive right.. with a license! =) Life is about learning and growing.. and sometimes that includes community service.

Anyway, going to get some coupon posts up! 

Talk to you guys in a bit!

Hope you are having a great night.


K Jaggers