Good morning! Hope you all are out having a great morning! I am sitting around here in community service wishing I was home enjoying my time instead of sitting around doing nothing At least I can have my computer today. =) I had to make my phone a hot spot so I could get a signal.. so I can't get any calls while doing this but o well. Just glad to have Internet.
It was a beautiful morning..
I followed husby into town. I know he loves me getting up with him. He is so cheery in the am..and I am such the opposite!
So here is where I am..
and its not so bad.
The white Nissan he is driving is so freaking nice.
Yesterday we saw this sweet little birds nest that fell out of the tree due to the storms..

I am not too sure if its out there today.. but I will check on it in just a bit! I hope the mommy bird came back but I doubt it.
After community service yesterday.. husby and I
I love this place.. and it was
a beautiful day!
We had a quick yummy lunch..
that we both really enjoyed.
I love this picture of
Scott.. That man is beautiful to me even from behind.
We came home yesterday.. and he got busy
in the yard..
It was an easy night for us... we just laid around and then watched a movie.. it was a great night for us!
Well, its took me a while to get this post done.. we have all been talking around here!! Not too bad for community service..
K Jaggers