Hello Thursday!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Hello friends. Happy Thursday to you all! Hope your day is going well. It was so hard for me to get out of the bed this morning to come here. I woke up at 330am with a pounding headache.. took some Alieve.. and then woke up at 7am still in pain so I had Scott give me a shot to make me feel better. I laid back down and out I went for about an hr. Thankfully, I woke up feeling better..Then I had to hurry and get out the door.

Last night the electric went off due to the storms so I wasn't able to get online, let alone blog. But... if you click the -read more - link on the left you can see what went on around the Jaggers house last night!

I came home from my 7 hrs at community service and crashed out till husby got off work.. I was so tired.. but once he got home we had some time to ourselves out on the back deck.. which is one of our favorite places to be together.

There are two of my biggest loves! I am so lucky to have a husband I adore who adores me right back. I couldn't ask for a better life with him. Even bad days are still good... because of our love for each other.

We hung our little

bug zapper out there too and it worked well!!!! Its was zapping bugs left and right and it kept us from getting ate up. Scott thinks we need 3 or 4 more but with how much they cost.. I think we can make do with just 1!

It took a while to talk him into taking me out to dinner last night. We have ate out almost every night for the past week.. but I managed to not cook again and instead go to..

When I am tired, the last thing I want to do is be in the kitchen cooking. It was really nice to just sit down and get our food without doing any work at all.. and the same goes for the clean up too.

We ordered some guacamole and

it was soooo good that it didn't take us long at all to

eat it all up! This is what I survived on in Mexico. I can't tell you how much of this I ate down there. I don't trust a lot of food in other countries so I pretty much stick to what I know!

Since we were both wore out.. I didn't care at all that

he was playing a game on his phone. You guys know how much I hate either of us using our phones for anything other than taking pictures or talking to the kids when we are together but last night I just didn't give a shit at all.

Dinner came quickly.. I got the


and he got the special.. not sure what it is but he seemed to really like it..

Then we rushed home to watch..

Omg.. was it not an amazing show? I still don't know who is going to win. Yesterday I would have said Joshua.. but after watching the show last night.. its a toss up. After seeing them go home.. Phillip and Jessica had more people come out for them than what Joshua did.. but that doesn't really mean anything. It will be interesting to see who goes home tonight. I am guessing it will be Jessica but it could be a shocking night.. Can't wait to find out!!

After American Idol.. I went up and enjoyed a nice hot bath.. and I was hoping to be in there a long time relaxing while it was storming outside.. ( I know.. a bath or shower in a thunderstorm is not the smartest thing to do but I was so tired.. and wanted a bath.. that I just didn't care! ) the power went out. My big bath tub is at the back of my bathroom in the corner and it was jet black in there.. I couldn't see anything at all. Thankfully, Scott got up because his fan went off.. and helped me out.. and went and got one of the lanterns and lit some candles so we both could see around the house.

I still needed to pick up around the house some.. so I took my lantern and

went to the kitchen and got what I needed done.

This handy lanterns really really

come in useful when the lights are out. I stayed down stairs maybe 30 minutes picking things up so I didn't have to wake up to a messy house.

Then upstairs I had the candles that husby lit lighting up

the bed room..

There is something so calming about candles being lit. We keep a lot of these

Emergency candles around the house just for nights like this. I decided to put in

take my sleep meds and I was asleep by midnight.

Funny.. I am still tired as hell today too. I am hoping within a few hours I am woke up and feeling better. Thankfully my headache is gone.. but my arm is sore as hell from the shot. I am thankful that Scott knows what he is doing and can shoot me up with meds because its never easy for me to just give myself a shot. But they work so well for me that if I am in pain..it doesn't really matter if I do it myself or have him do it. Just as long as the meds get in me.

Well, its 1130 now and I am going to work on some coupon posts and catch up around here on some things I want to do.. including making a new page for the Sunday Coupon Preview.. or I might just add it to the Sunday Coupon Insert Yearly Schedule Page. I also have a video from last night coming up in a while when it finishes uploading plus a garden update also with a video coming up. At least sitting here, I have plenty of time to blog.. great way to spend my time with Community Service huh!? And I will also be sending out a lot of emails out today too! So check out your in boxes!

Talk to you guys soon!


K Jaggers