Tired & Grumpy

Friday, January 6, 2012

Hello everyone. Did you guys have a good day? My day was ok.. nothing too spectacular.. I was grumpy from the start. I haven't been sleeping well and it was about 6 am before I was sleeping. So yea.. slept in super late today, didn't accomplish shit, and just looked looked at everything with a grumpy kind of view. The guys came home.. we had dinner.. talked some and then watched some tv and the before I knew it.. both fell asleep.. so back to being alone. Thursdays are sometimes lonely days being husby works loong hours and then when he gets home he's exhausted. So I don't get much time with him on nights like tonight.

For dinner tonight we had a simple meal of..

Philly steak and cheese sandwiches and fries. I took this picture long before I put the french fries on my plate. Both guys seems to like it just as much as I did. It was super easy and didn't take any time to make or clean up. Perfect for a late night dinner.

Anyway.. its been a complicated day for many reasons. One of my friends is having man problems and one of my other good friends cousin's got killed in an ATV accident leaving behind a wife and 2 young kids. I feel horrible for both of my friends and sadly enough.. there is nothing I can do for either of them. I am sad at both situations and to be very honest.. the Jaggers house has been kinda gloomy too.. So yea.. I need a vacation. Husby is already talking about going to Louisiana in 5 or 6 weeks but I don't really want to go at all to that sad state. No thanks. We will just have to wait and see how that works out. I am praying something comes up and he changes his mind.

Sooo.. did you guys see the..

new video of Casey Anthony that surfaced today? 

Wow..I guess I am not surprised to learn that she is a self pitty narcissistic person who has no freaking clue how lucky she is to now be out of prison. It seems to me that all she does is whine and appeal to people for their sympathy in this video. I will say that I do like the blonde bob better than that long stringy mess she use to have, but I feel sorry for the dog she just adopted. She shouldn't even be allowed to have plants. I think this woman is freaking horrible and should be ashamed to show her face, let alone put out a video blog. She killed her child and now she is about to make millions off of it. What is wrong with this world that anyone would be interested in what she says or does. I say.. let her burn in hell for what she did to that child.

Well... tomorrow should be a busy day for me. I have a bunch of errands to run, shopping to do and I also have a bunch of bills to pay. And I need to try to get it all done before Scott gets off work. I am hoping that maybe I can skip cooking tomorrow and just let him take me out instead! 

Well its 130 am and I need sleep tonight.. can't be up till after 6 am again. I hope you guys have a great Friday! 


K Jaggers

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