Well we all made it through the first week of the new year huh? Did it pass as fast for you guys as it did it me? This week went by super fast and now I am working on plans for the weekend. Scott and I got the house to ourselves because our friend is heading to Ohio for the weekend so who knows what we are going to get into!
I need to get cleaned up and head out in just a little bit but I am not in too big of a hurry. I think you guys know by now, I am just not the kind of person who likes to do anything in a fast mode. I need to stop in and see husby for a while and then run all around town getting things done. I am happy that most of our bills that I need to pay can be paid tonight either online or with the phone. I love not having to write out checks anymore and send them in. It sure makes it so easier.
I was hoping my ELF order would be in today but it looks like its going to be in tomorrow. Its mostly eyebrow things and I think a couple brushes and also I ordered their foundation. I don't know if I will like it or not but I thought it was worth a try. I will give it a try and if I don't like it.. its going back! ELF is great about returns and fixing things to make their customers happy. There have been times when I received something broken or something I didn't care for and they were super fast in fixing it. So customer service with them is great! I just wish my stuff would get here!
Guess what? I remember today is Friday and that means Fill in the Blank Friday is coming up later too! I am trying really hard to get it things back to normal around here on the blog! If you didn't check out this weeks Married Life Post that went up yesterday you can click right HERE to see it. Its really about what to do when fighting with your spouse. I think its important to read it.. and then try to live by it. Its never easy when fighting with someone you love but when you do it the right way, neither of you walk away feeling ashamed. I don't always practice what I preach because sometimes my temper gets the best of me but I try really hard.. so check out that post, it might just help you the next time you find yourself wanting to strangle that husband of yours!
I am still having trouble sleeping for some reason. I didn't fall asleep till after 430am last night but I guess that's better than 6am. I think the trip to Louisiana was on my mind last night. I even got up and wrote Scott a note but I decided at the last minute to not sit it out for him. I felt that it might not be the best way to start his day off and I also thought the conversation would be better to have in person. There is some family of his that he wants to go see. I really have very little interest in going but I am sure I will have to. Its a long way for him to go by himself...driving at that. I kinda hope he changes his mind!
Well, I need to get cleaned up and head out. I will do the fill in the blanks later today sometime!
Have a great Friday!
K Jaggers
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