One day closer to the WEEKEND!

Thursday, January 12, 2012
Hello Friends.. 

Hope you had a beautiful day. It wasn't so beautiful around here. I woke up to..

a gloomy day..

I think it rained all day long.. even now in the late night hours.. its still raining. 

The rain made the house cold.. 

Even Willow was hanging out by the warm fire. 

Check out this picture I got of her today..

She was playing peek a boo behind my laptop! Gosh.. is she not cute.. I can't wait to see what kind of kittens she gives us! 

In the mail today we got a couple of things.. 

A unexpected box and also a box from Ultra. 

I am not ready to talk about the purchase from Ultra but in the other box we got 

A really sweet picture from the kids! 

Too sweet!! I love it! 

The guys worked.. then ran by the store for me and buzzed in and buzzed out. It was auction night - which I totally forgot about. - So they were gone till almost 9 pm. So we had a late dinner..

I just grabbed some pork chops from the freezer, thawed them out..

grilled them up with some Zest Italian Salad dressing. 

Mashed up some potatoes, got the green beans spiced up and got some bread in the oven. 

And then.. 

Dinner was served. 

And I even made some peanut butter cookies for dessert. 

Super easy.. I was lucky I had a lot of time to get it ready.. 

I just put the chops and mashed potatoes on the same platter.. Drizzled some gravy over it and sat it on the table. 

Looks pretty huh!?  

Green beans were rather simple.. just added some minced onion, bacon drippings and a touch of sugar. 

Warm bread..

And this dinner was really good. It took less than 30 minutes to make too! 

After dinner I got back in the kitchen and made some 

sugar cookies

Just because they sounded good! 

And I tried a new simple peanut butter cookie.. without flour 

They came out pretty big and thin. 

But they are chewy and really good! I will get the super simple recipe up tomorrow! 

And guess what.. 

The kitty grass grew and the cats love it! 

Both the girls were at it munching away! 

Gabby really loved it..

I am happy that they are happy! 

Did you guys check out any of the beauty post from today?

I did a review/tutorial on the Salon Perfect - Brow Stencil Kit. If you have trouble getting your brows to look or or even match..this kind of kit is for you! I love it!! I don't use it every day but when I do.. they look so much better!  

I also did a HAUL video of some more of the NEW 2012 products. I picked more up when I went and exchanged the Revlon Photoready Airbrush Foundation. Check out that post to see why it went back! 

And last but not least, I did a review and video review on the Real Techniques Brushes. If you guy's don't know much about this particular brand of brushes.. be sure to hop over to that post and read up. You might just be surprised!  I also hope you like the videos that I am starting to add to the reviews. I am using the tripod and starting to figure out a way to do it without being in front of the camera the entire time. Maybe later I will be back in them more with tutorials but I am not always so comfortable with that! 

Tomorrow is Married Life post day!! I am back to running late with emails again. but I did get an email that was about Married Life yesterday. It was basically asking if I would cover topics such as divorce, dealing with a break up, etc. I haven't answered back yet.. and maybe its not so polite to answer on here first but I am. I thought about that question all day. I have decided that NO I am not going to talk about divorce..These post are suppose to help people who are actually in marriages or committed relationships. This same person asked me a question which is going to be the topic for next week's post. More about the email then but I don't want to talk about splitting up. I don't even like thinking about it. I'm sure if that is something you are seeking advice or information on there are plenty of blogs and sites dedicated to that subject. I went through a divorce and know how hard it can be but now days I just want to focus on what works to keep the marriage I have now together!  Not all subjects are happy but the majority of them are. Come back tomorrow to see this weeks marriage topic and this time there is a little homework for everyone! =)

Its 230 am here. I give up on trying to go to sleep. I figure fighting it isn't working anymore. So I will fall asleep when I am good and ready. Thankfully all I have to do tomorrow is run to the store and work around here. I seriously thought today about maybe a little part time job. I doubt I will do it but it just sounds fun. I know I sound crazy but I think getting out of the house a little bit might be good for me. We'll see! I actually stay pretty busy but something inside of me is saying.. Accomplish More. Don't know why I am feeling that but maybe its time. I was blessed in my first marriage to not have to work and since we came off the road 5 years ago I haven't worked. Its been a long time. It's probably nothing.. but I might check around at the coffee shops and deli's around here. Just an idea! 

Well.. I am going to try to get sleepy.. how does one really do that? I have to medicate myself.. sometimes double dose...and I am so jealous of  people who lay down at night and fall right to sleep. You don't know what a blessing that really is. I could work a 70 hour work week and still have problems falling to sleep even when I am exhausted. It just doesn't work like that for me. Sometimes I feel like just saying screw it and stay up till I just can't stay up any longer. But that is always super hard on the body. 

Hope you have a lovely Thursday. We are one day closer to the weekend! 

I have no idea what our plans are but I will just be happy spending Sunday with Scott around the house! 

More reviews coming tomorrow! 


K Jaggers