Hello everyone..
I hope you are having a good Thursday. Its 230 am and if you are reading this now.. then I hope you don't have to get up early! Lucky for me I have nothing going on in the early hours so I can get away with staying up late and getting up a little later too.
Well my day started off with going to
South Carolina.. it was a really nice drive and
I videoed the ride home. Its not spring here yet, so the trees still were bare and there was little to no green but I still loved the drive. If you haven't seen that video you can click HERE to check it out!
Afterwards I went to the dealership where I saw
a new antique car in the middle of the show room.. This is sure new so I
had to get husby's picture with it!
That's my husband.. my beautiful husband!
I think the car is pretty cute too! A long time ago this was the nicest available. And I am sure the people who had to use these open cars truly appreciated the convenience of a motor vs horse and buggie.
I then was off to
the store and picked
up a few things we needed for dinner.
As I was pulling out of the parking lot..
I saw this truck go off the road.. I don't know what happened but they got out and started looking around at the truck and I drove on. It was actually a pretty day here. I was able to just wear a t shirt and feel comfortable. I wasn't cold at all. I am thinking since we are south east that we won't have to wait as long for spring.. but I'm not sure. We are coming up on our second year here, but I don't remember how long spring took to come last year. So we will just have to wait and see!
I got home.. got things put up.. I did a little blogging and before I knew it.. the guys were on their way home. It was a early night for them so I had to get up and get dinner fixed.
We all had a really good dinner [ pictures coming tomorrow ] and then relaxed the rest of the night in front of the tv. Little Willow hung out all night with us too. I don't think there is a sweeter cat out there than Willow. She is so kind and sweet. She does have some separation anxiety issues but we are dealing with those. She meows a lot when she can't find us. I wonder how bad it gets when we actually leave. But as she is getting older, she's doing better.
I enjoyed a long hot bath and ended up waxing my eyebrows and upper lip and it hurt like hell. I hate doing it.. I mean.. really hate it. It doesn't feel any better having someone else do it for me so I opt to do it in the privacy of my own home by myself. I am pretty good at it now but wow.. is it painful. I have actually got a lot of questions about waxing, shaving and plucking and sometime soon I plan on doing a post about it. I think we all need to wax.. I don't think there is a woman out there that don't need to. And I do have some tips that might make it a little easier! I doubt I could ever wax my legs because even though I am short, there is way too much to do and I would end up crying if I had to do that much! But I took my bath.. and have been upstairs since.
And look who is up here with me..
Willow sleeping like a baby!
Doesn't she look comfy!?
I will have to boot her out before I go to sleep otherwise in the mist of my dreaming she will find something to play with and wake me up. It always happens! That's why she ends up sleeping with Scott a lot of nights!
Boy.. Scott is sure bruised up from falling from the attic. He's got this gigantic bruise on his arm. I tried telling him that's he's not as young as he use to be and he has to be a bit more careful. He sure is beat up.. but hopefully he starts feeling better soon.
I have a lot of time to myself tomorrow being its a late night for him. This week has really gone by fast for me. Before I know it.. the weekend is going to be here. Tomorrow I have to get up and run right out to the dealership to see Scott because he is helping me with something. I plan on stopping by cvs and getting a couple more of the Maybelline eye tattoo shadows ( I did another post on them tonight.. you can check it out by clicking RIGHT HERE. I am in love with them and I think they are great drug store cream shadows. Very similar to MAC Paint Pots.. with the exception of the glitter in some of them but they are really nice... and since I got the first one, I have used them as a base for my shadows daily. I really wasn't going to get all the colors because I don't love them all ( color wise ) but I want the entire collection.. Thats just how I am. But besides that I should be home. Tomorrow is Married Life Post Day so be sure to come back!
I need to try to get some sleep..
So have a great Thursday!
K Jaggers