So much for being tired and going to sleep.. it just isn't happening yet . I guess it doesn't matter for tomorrow. But right now I am starting to think I am never going to sleep right.
It was a pretty easy night around here. Hung out the best looking guy in my world. Had a great Late Night Pancake Dinner and then just hung out the rest of the night. He got audited.. so he had a long call with the IRS tonight and he was super super happy with the way the conversation went. Happy he is doing what he needs to do to sort it all out. Taxes are so complicated. We are not a family who gets one of those big refunds every year. We have to pay in a lot of times. Gone are the days of refund money! It sucks too! But he is getting better at saving receipts to help with steps for us! I don't pretend to know anything about taxes.. that's for an accountant to figure out.. not us! I'm just glad he came away from the 2 hour phone call ( seriously 2 hours ) happy.
He is still wanting to go to Louisiana over mardi gras.. Which is February 21.. So maybe the weekend before because the 21st falls on a Tuesday. Maybe come back on the Monday before. It will only be a weekend trip. I wish we could fly but we would have to rent a car when we got there so add that to 2 round trip tickets and the cost is going to be pretty high.. so driving makes more sense. Thankfully we have Michael here to house sit for us because he's now living here. So that helps. He would do it anyway.. even if he didn't live with us. Hes such a great friend. Anyway..we are just in the planning stage...but it looks like this trip is happening. Not 100% locked in on the final dates but it will have to be in the week before the 21st. All that weekend they are going to be having things going on down there in the city. Even though I am not so excited to go, I figure I can at least have a few drinks, take some pictures, and have a good time.
Have any of you checked out the review I posted today on the Loreal Photoready Airbrush Foundation?? If you are thinking about buying this you might want to check the review out. You can get to it right here. → Revlon Photoready Airbrush Foundation REVIEW & VIDEO ← I also really want to hear from you if you have tried this. Please Please send those emails in..
Also there is a video review of it too. I am not so comfortable in front of the camera but I am doing the reviews my way.. and its working out great! I have a TON of beauty related post coming up. The holidays are over and I have time to get back to blogging about something I really love! With the new year there are tons of new products. Did you guys see the haul from yesterday with some of the new shadows of 2012? If not, its MUST READ!!! Click HERE to get to it! I WILL be getting more shadows tomorrow/today! Excited!!
I also got all the Tuesday Tricks and Tips up too. Lots of great laundry tips. Lots of great information and I am sure you will learn something new from that post! I don't know about you.. but I love anything that helps make laundry easier.
Also the free Cafe Escapes Hot Coco freebie was a big hit! I don't know how long they are going to last but if you are interested click HERE to get to all the details!
Tomorrow I have to run a couple errands but I can do that anytime I want. It's 4am at this point and I am still wide awake. Guess its time to get back to the Dr. I am going on very little sleep at this point and my body just has the damest time relaxing to fall asleep. I will get it fixed.. one way or another. I have my alarm set on my phone, so hopefully no matter how tired I feel, I need to drag myself out of the bed at a reasonable time. Even waking at 11 am only gives me 7 hours so I better be wrapping this post up and closing the computer.
Ohh.. started working on this weeks Married Life Post..This time there is a little homework included! I love being ahead of schedule!
I hope every has a beautiful Wednesday. You have made it through half the week already.. the weekend will be here before you know it!
K Jaggers
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