Hello Friday!!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Afternoon everyone!

It feels like just a little while since I blogged last. Its just terrible falling asleep lately. I woke up to my mom calling.. She called once.. I didn't answer.. She called back.. I answered.. told her I was still sleeping.. and then my friend texted me so it seemed like I was suppose to get up. Well, I talked to my mom.. She was very upset over something that happened last night. I can't go into the details on here.. but if you are reading this, please say a prayer for my family. I don't wake up too often to my mom crying and I can tell you now.. it broke my heart. No matter how angry or how many fights we had in the past, I love her and when she is upset or hurting.. I get upset and I actually get a little angry that she is having to deal to with something that is upsetting her so much. But everyone is ok now...thank goodness!

I just got done feeding all the cats and boy do they have some food energy..they are running around here like they are in a race.. They are leaping and jumping on the furniture.. running circles around the dog and just raising all kinds of hell! Their energy will run out pretty quick and before I know it they will all crash out for a long afternoon nap! I told Scott last night that I don't intend on quiting breeding them. He basically just smiled. He knows how much happiness they bring me and that just makes me love him more! I mean to find a man who loves all my cats as much as I do is just a blessing from God!!

I don't have that many plans today. I need to toss laundry around.. pick up the house a little but that's about it. Its been raining all night and the wind is blowing..you can barley tell that the sun is out and its not even 60 here today.. So the fireplace is going and I am staying home today. I am going to do my very best to stay away from CVS today!! God knows, I am in there enough! I will have the swatches up from the new lipsticks that I got in Yesterday's Haul and in a week or so, I will get a review up on what I really think of them! I have a ton of products that I want to get reviewed for you guys. I know I have been doing a lot of beauty post on here lately.. All of you know by now, its one of my passions. I love it. I do use some high end make up but most of the time now, if I can find something at a drug store for a cheaper price that works just as well.. I choose that. I like to find things that I don't have to go to a mall to get or order online. And from a lot of the emails I get.. I know that a lot of you ladies like the beauty post too!

I do have one post that I am going to be writing soon that would fall into the Married Life category but I am going to write it and just add it to it even though its not going to be posted on Thursday. I really want to try to stick to one post a week about married life but I saw something on tv a few weeks ago that kinda shocked me and then just a few minutes ago I saw something else on tv that is like a follow up to the first thing I saw.. So with that said.. Be looking for that post later today or tonight.. Its another hot topic that I think many of you are going to be able to relate to.

If you didn't check out this weeks Married Life Post please please click → HERE ←  to read it.. I am already getting lots of feedback on it and I want to hear your thoughts on it.. So read it.. then send me an email to kishajaggers@aol.com and let me know your thoughts. If you agree with it or disagree with it.. is fine with me! I just want to hear all your thoughts on the topic!!

I hope everyone has a great Friday!!

I will be back in a bit to talk more with you!!

K Jaggers
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