Cold Saturday..

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Our sun is deceiving today!! Its shinning bright but its pretty cold out. I had no intentions on going outside at all but I had to let the dog out. I got back in the house super super fast!! Burrrrrrrr!!

I didn't fall asleep till after 5 am. I wish I could do better with that. I think I am going to head back to the Dr and talk to him about it.  Maybe at this point I need stronger sleep meds or maybe I just need to force myself to get up early and stay up and then maybe I would fall asleep earlier. I don't know but I don't like sleeping in so late. Its nothing that new for me. I am use to going to bed late and getting up early but cleaning at night is not so easy when husby is sleeping!

Today I don't have any big plans.. Just waiting on Scott to get home in an hour and then hang out with him. We don't have any plans except he is going to watch the movie that I watched last night that I will be reviewing today!!

Just so you guys know.. the family member of mine who was having some serious problems is starting to feel better. He is under the care of a Dr. and hopefully he will get back to his old self in no time. My mom was so worried and I just hate when she hurts. But thankfully she did what she could from Texas and it made all the difference in the world.

Right now I am uploading a very cute video from last night and I can't wait to get it up on here for you guys!  Stay tuned!!

K Jaggers
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