Sweet Dreams

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Hello everyone! Hope you had a great Friday!!! I didn't get near as much accomplished today that I should have but o-well.. We all have those days right!? It was a cold rainy day here and I didn't even want to leave the house. I think that's a good thing because every time I do leave I some how end up at CVS buying more stuff.

I did encounter a very big drama queen today via the Internet. I am not going to really get into much. I was going to do a post about it but I figured by doing so it would come back to get me in the end...but all I can say is the poor son of bitch that married her has to have his hands full. Thank God I only had to deal with her for a day.

Scott came home.. sick again. I wish he would get feeling better. He just moped around here. I hate it when husby is sick. It doesn't help that he doesn't like to take his meds like he should. He stayed up long enough to eat dinner and then he went right to bed..

For dinner tonight.. I made

yummy pasta!

I am such a pasta girl!

I was on the phone with my grandmother the other day and we were talking about food and she told me that she needs to go back on a diet.. She is in her 70's.. I couldn't believe she said that! I have NEVER been on a diet in my life. I am sure I would fail miserably if I even attempted it! My idea of a diet is no deserts on weekdays and that's about as much as I can do! Thankfully my weight has never been an issue for me. Because if it had.. I'd weigh a 1000 pounds!

Anyway.. after Scott went to bed.. I didn't do much.. It was quiet and I just loved on my kittys and I did get some laundry done..

Here is one of my little helpers getting comfy on the clean laundry and my other little helper..

liked playing in the hanger basket!

I am so in love with these kittens.. I have no idea how I am going to part with them. I am sure I will find a way because I have to make room for the next litter that comes our way. I am pretty sure I am taking some of the money from selling a couple of them to buy another male and female.. For a while, I was convinced that I would stop breeding cats because housing a male un neutered cat is not easy.. but as time has passed, I have learned how to cope better with it. The happiness these cats bring into our lives in priceless. Scott loves them as much as I do.. The only one who is not as happy about a houseful of cats is Super Cooper but he is adapting! For you guys who don't know.. he's a big golden retriever who I think actually thinks he's a cat. A big cat! He really is pretty easy going with them and God knows if he was to hurt one of my cats he would find himself outside in a new dog house!

Anyway.. back to tonight.. I did watch an AMAZING movie. I know I have been slacking on the movie reviews.. but I will for sure do a very detailed one tomorrow on the movie I watched. I don't know how many of you guys have seen it but once the post goes live.. I think more of you will watch it. So be on the look out for that review tomorrow.. It's one you won't want to miss!

We don't really have any plans for this weekend. I am hoping that tomorrow after Scott gets home, we can just cuddle up in the bed and find a good movie to watch. I miss him while he is working. I have adapted pretty well to his long hours but by the end of the week, I am always missing him. So really happy the weekend is here!

I did get to organizing some of the closets around here today! I feel so accomplished when I get something done. I hate long task that take forever.. I like things that I can start and finish in a day. Still more things to unpack and maybe Sunday I can get to work in the study. This house is big and I am still trying to find the right places to put things! Really happy we found this house!

Anyway.. I am heading to bed!

Hope you guys have a great Weekend!

K Jaggers
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