Feeling Defeated...

Thursday, June 23, 2011
What a day.. there was just not enough hours for me to get everything I wanted to do, done.. I woke up about 10 am and haven't stopped since. I worked on laundry all day but still have a lot to get on hangers tomorrow.. I also got the living room cleaned up really well and the kitchen isn't looking too bad either.

The kids wasn't too crazy about staying home today.. Little do they know because we will be spending a lot of time at home.. we did a ton of things in Texas and we will play on the weekends but for the most part.. weekdays are at home. They both were pretty good most of the day.. However in the later hours they got pretty grumpy.. Thank goodness they are sound asleep right now!

Tonight wasn't too good of a night for Scott and I.. He did something today without talking about it with me first. Well he did mention it before but before it actually happened.. I wish he would have talked to me about it again. He got mad because I got mad.. I am still kinda ticked off about it. I don't know.. I think he was rude in a number of ways and I was also very happy when he went to bed.. I really just wanted him to stay away from me. Kinda still do but  tomorrow he has injections put in his neck and has to have a driver to leave. So we have to be up at 7 am to go with him. After tonight and waking up so early for me will only make matters worse. Well maybe not.. I just need to keep my mouth shut and hopefully he wont say a lot to me either. I love my husband very very much but I think he handled himself very poorly.. =(

I ended up cooking ...

for dinner..To be perfectly honest this is not one of Scott's favorite meals so that's what I went with.. Yep...not too nice of me. But o-well.. Me and the kids loved it.

I cant believe we are not getting along and I know I am not helping things. I am just pissed at him and I bet its going to take a couple of days before this all settles down.

I didn't get as many post up tonight that I wanted. Its hell trying to sort through all the pictures to figure out which ones are going up. I lost so many when the computer crashed. Its pretty sad. I did get up 2 just a few minutes ago. Hopefully more to come tomorrow sometime. I hate that I haven't been getting the sales up or some of the more regular kind of blogging I tend to do. Time is just not my friend right now. I spent a lot of the day trying to get all the programs I use loaded back up on this machine. That took a lot of hours today. The kids hate me being on the computer a lot.. and I understand that. I am sure tomorrow I am going to need a nap after getting up so early. But maybe I will have more time for blogging and getting the house back to normal!

So last night I took some great kitty pictures. They are getting so big.. and playful!

Play time!

I love this picture of her trying to sneak up on her brothers!

Around she goes!

Too cute!

3 little trouble makers!

They just ran wild last night!

How cute is he!!

My two guys!

Here the wild one comes!

And hes made it!

Then it was time to play in the kitty city!

I love watching them!

In he goes!

I love these kittens so much!

Willow getting scared because..

I brought her daddy in!

who was nothing but sweet to them!

Well I have got to try to get some sleep.. I have to be up in 5 hours..

Hope you all had a great night!

K Jaggers

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