Today... in pictures!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Hello.. Its 2 am here and I am just getting a few minutes to sit back and relax before I climb into bed. I am sorry I haven't talked to you guys in a couple of days. Life has just been really busy around here and I have a ton of things to do that has to come before blogging.. Yesterday started out pretty stressful. I was upset with Scott. I was really just upset with everything. Scott was having a hard day too and I am sure I didn't help matters. I ended up going to walmart and doing some shopping for the pets. I try to separate my household, grocery and pet shopping. I mean you can only put so much stuff into one of those carts. Afterwards.. Scott, Michael and myself had a quick dinner at Sushi Dojo where all 3 of us sat around and complained about how bad each of our days were. I came home.. worked on laundry and sent out some emails. I just didn't feel like blogging.. I wanted to curl up in bed and watch tv till I drifted off.. Then today was Scott's off day..I of course slept in and when I got up he was in work..He always goes in for a few hours in the am on his off day. So I got up.. had a cup of coffee and then cleaned up.. He got home and we had somethings to go do. I was found a large 6 bedroom home that I wanted to check out but I found out this morning that it was taken..I was kinda sad about that. I thought it would be perfect for us.. Guess it wasn't meant to be. We took off to walmart. We were running out of everything around here so we had household things to get. We were also looking for a new litter box for the little ones to start using. We found nothing at walmart that we thought would work so Scott suggested we head to Pet Smart so that's what we did.. it wasn't too long before our ...

Cart was full of things. We love our animals so much.. We spend a fortune on all of them.. and with the cattery.. we need to buy things that are going to last and really work..

While we were there we checked out who needed homes..

This black was awesome! She had such a great personality!

This big guy seemed kinda lazy!

And this one seemed sad.. I loved them all.. I was close to bringing home the black one but I think right now.. 5 cats are enough!

Here is the litter box we picked out...

Its a dome shape...

and here it is with the top off..I thin it will work well for the kittens because..

of those steps. They are just learning about the litter box and we needed something that they could get in and out of without any problems. I also thought that if something happened where the cats hated it.. I would wash it out and take it back..This one was not so cheap..

I also got this kitten litter. Most kitty litters are made for the person not the cat. This one is a training litter that has the right texture for a kittens tender paws.. its a clumping litter that is scoopable and the granule size is very small.. not too hard for a kitten to dig around in. It also contains specific natural herbs that gets a kittens curiosity to use the litter box. I have never used this before but I am hoping it helps in training them.. This was developed by Dr. Bruce Elsey and its 100% money back guarantee. Ohh.. it also comes with a book of litter box solutions for life.. I will for sure be putting this up on Kisha's House of Persians and let you guys know how it works in a week or two.

Our pets go through a lot of water.. Mainly Cooper and Scott wanted to get this watering jug.. So far it is working great and all the animals use it.

We came home from all our errands and I headed off alone to the grocery to get what we needed for the rest of the week..Then it was home to coo dinner..

We grilled out kabobs, I made some steamed potatoes, and I also made 

a summer salad to go with it.

I thought dinner was pretty good! 

We sat around and relaxed for a while.. 

Here is 2 of my favorite guys!

Super Cooper also got a new bone!

Yesterday I got a new bedding area made up for the kittens. The basket worked great for the few weeks but now they are climbing a lot more and we needed something a bit deeper! I just put pillows in the bottom and ..

Its working great!

Here are my babies! That's the little boy up close.. The little smoky girl that we have named Willow.. and the other one

was sound asleep in the middle.. She sure looks comfy!

How sweet is she! The pillows were up and they were back at the top but that's changed and now they are tucked down where they cant escape!

Here is willow in Scott's arms! I think this has to be the best picture of the night!
The kittens are 3 days shy of 1 month! Can you believe it!!!!

I just got out of a long bubble bath with my new copy of ...

Magazine! Just keeping with the spirit of things!

These next few days are going to pass really fast. I have a ton of things to get done.. We leave for Texas on Saturday so I have packing to do.. again.. and I need to get the house ready for the house sitter. Sorry about the lack of post. I have a ton of the kids to get up on here. I hope I can get most of that done tomorrow and when I can blog I will.. But for the next couple of weeks its going to be hit or miss. I love blogging and I appreciate the emails asking if everything is ok! I am doing great.. Well today hubby drove me crazy.. At first I just wanted to toss his ass out of the car but the day got better and we enjoyed his day off. Its just that real life comes before blogging..

Scott's daughter has been talking to him and she is planning a visit to come see us sometime after the Texas trip. I am actually really happy about that. We miss her and miss the baby and I think we will have a great time. We had some drama for a little while but family is way to important to stay upset with for any reason. I carry her daughters pictures around in my wallet and I am so excited to see how much she has grown since the last time we saw her. Our summer is really full but I think its great. Its all about making memories.. I have said for years that all we take when we pass over to the other side is our love and our memories.. That is what truly matters.

Well its 230 am by time I get this spell checked and posted it will be close to 3 am.. I need sleep!

I hope you guys all have a great Wednesday! I don't plan on leaving the hopefully you will hear from me tomorrow/today! =)

K Jaggers
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