I guess I was exhausted because I slept and slept and slept some more. I was just wore out and being today is Monday and its a late night for Scott.. So I just stayed in bed till I was ready to get out. And that was almost 2 pm. Yikes!!! Well at least I still have 6 hrs before he gets home!
Giovanni has been meowing at the doors last night and today too..He wants back out.. NOPE!!!! Hes not going any where. I was in a lot of pain last night from the barb wire fence. I realize now that I am way too old to be trying to jump those kinds of fences. I just cant do it! That fence beat my ass.. and it still hurts. I'm covered in neosporin and band aids on my legs..I took one of Scott's pain pills last night because I was really hurting. It didn't feel like cuts.. It almost felt like a broken leg. I know that sounds crazy but one of the cuts is right before my foot starts and any time I moved my right foot ... it hurt. Its not as bad right now.. but its still sore.
I don't really know what I am doing today.. I really should get cleaned up and run some errands.. and I also want to try to make the kittens and Gabby a new nesting area. The basket is still working great but they are all climbing in and out of it. I would much rather something a little larger that will hold them in unless I want them out. I have this huge Tupperware box and I am going to see how well that would work.
Also today I have a ton of emails to respond to and I also want to get some post up today.. I hope I have time for everything today!!! It might be late tonight before I am done with it all! I called Scott.. He was in a meeting and I haven't talked to him yet. I hate waiting!!! I need to head down there too...maybe..But hopefully his butt will be calling me back soon so I know if I need to get in the car and head in that direction or not!
Brittany and Jackson had vacation bible school today and both loved it! Mom is having a great time with them..I have tons of pictures of them to get today too! Cant wait!! We leave Saturday to go see them!! Super Super Excited!!
Well.. being I woke up late.. I am going to get dressed and get this day started!
Hope you all are having a great day!
K Jaggers
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