Afternoon friends!
I am just getting back from running a few errands.. Yep.. I am up and have already been out of the house today. Scott came home for a few minutes at lunch and woke me up. So I had a few things to do so I just got with it. Now I am home trying to work on getting laundry finished up and start figuring out what needs to get packed for Texas. I am going to try to get all the outfits put together the best I can before we go. So I am dedicating the spare bed to lay things out on and just match things up. We are going to be gone a lot longer than the Florida trip so we are having to pack more. Not to mention the cats are going to require more. I am trying to get a jump on it because I want to have time to get the house cleaned up before we leave. Right now.. I am in good shape. Now if nothing breaks the schedule..I will have everything done in time!
Right now I have towels hanging outside and the last load of laundry in the washer. Its so nice and hot out.. I think its best to hang things out. It saves on energy and it works great. I always make sure to add softner to the washer otherwise they will be kinda hard if they dry outside. I figure.. let the sun help!
I will be trying to get the post up of the kids today..I am running so behind in the blogging world. Sorry!!! I am having a very busy summer and when things calm down a bit; it will get back to normal around here. I have a ton of emails to answer.. so if you are waiting on a response from me.. please be patient. I am going one by one trying to get them answered. I never thought I would depend on email so much. It amazing what technology does for us all. I would answer them in the car but we switched Internet providers a couple months ago.. we have it set up where we can have up to 6 computers running in the house but we have to be customers 6 months to get it anywhere ( mobile )... I actually called them today and got no where.. I can read and answer emails on my phone.. but its not so easy typing on a blackberry.. So long emails are out!
In the middle of this post Scott called and had me bring the Jaguar in for an emissions test.. So that just took up an hr of my day.. Oy!!!! Lucky for me yesterday I went to the grocery and got everything we would need to get through the week..I think tonight is pasta.. ( I think ).. it should be a pretty easy night.. I have a few projects I want to work on. But first I want to get the pictures of the kids posted!!
So stay tuned!!
Talk to you guys in a bit!
K Jaggers
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