Hello all! Its a late night here so I have got to be fast! I just took my sleeping pills so shortly I will be sound asleep! ( Hopefully! )
Well we are having a really nice time down here in HOT Texas! Its crazy hot here. We have been outside a lot battling the heat and for the most part its ok but it does kick your butt if you are out there too long. We mainly stayed home most of the day today. We did go out and have some Mickey D's but today we were trying to recoup from the long drive. Scott has been feeling really sick and I think its his allergies. I sure hope tomorrow he feels better. So tomorrow the plans got switched up..In the late afternoon around 3 the guys are going golfing and mom, myself and the kids are heading to the zoo. Then we are getting together and grabbing some dinner afterwards. But that's if we don't eat at the zoo! I am sure no matter how Scott feels I am sure he will be there for tee time!
The kids are doing great! They are so big... and Jackson is Mr. Wild Man and Brittany Belle is sweet, mouthy and sneaky all at the same time! They were kinda hand fulls around here today but I think they are just excited I am here and I also think they were getting on each others nerves a little bit! You know.. I didn't get many pictures today.. I don't know what was up with me!!! But I can guarantee tomorrow will be different! The kids love the kittens. Mom and Don love the kittens..They have been getting so much love around here. Its amazing how a baby kitten brightens everyones day up !!! Cant wait for my sister to get here on Thursday!!! She loves them too!! The male is her favorite!
Well I just wanted to say hi! I will be talk to you guys when I can! Hope you all are doing great! Ohh.. Stalker girl.. I replied to your comment on " My Day ".. Why don't you just go away? Do I have to press
charges on you..You really don't think I know who you are? Out of respect for someone I love I have let this go.. but keep it up and you might be shocked at the outcome. I think the worst part of your mean comment was telling me that my cats are nasty.. I have a feeling.. all in all.. that my cats are cleaner than you ever will be. Nasty is what you see when you look in the mirror.. Stop being jealous.. I am pretty sure you know my kittens are adorable and if you don't.. something is seriously wrong with you.. Hell.. I forgot...we know that already..don't we..Well.. for whats its worth.. you can hate me.. my cats...my husband.. our life.. and it doesn't matter one bit to me. My mom actually laughed at your comment and said go ahead and publish it and respond.. That's why you got a response.. We were having cocktails and got a good laugh out of it on YOU! =)) And you what I said about the mini van.. Well if you are interested.. I will personally come down there to the dealership to sell you that van myself.. and I don't work.. But for you.. absolutely I will.. But I have a feeling getting you financed will be hard...Living with your " parents " , taking care of a baby, and stalking me has to really fill your time up. But if you can make it happen.. I will show up just for you.. I am sure birth control is not happening. and you will have another baby before you know it.. A mini van might be perfect!
Well.. I am going to sleep and wake up with 2 beautiful loving kids climbing all over me!
K Jaggers