Hope you guys are having a great weekend!
I slept really late today and it felt great! Scott called about 1:30 to wake me up. And here I sit in my jammys thinking about all I want to get done today.. Kinda late start..wouldn't you say!!! Oh..hell its ok.. we don't have much planned for today so its really not a big deal.. after the way I have been feeling the past couple of days..sleep was good!
As I am typing this I have that old movie Piratical Magic playing in the back ground. This really was such a cute movie. I can remember a few years back posting pictures of some of my favorite scenes...like the little girl doing a spell where she will never fall in love. She had long brown hair and all kinds of flower petals in her bowl and when she is casting the spell the flowers go up to the moon. I just love it. Too bad I have those abilities otherwise I would turn some mean people into frogs! ;)
Also while I type this, listen to the tv.. the kittens are running in all directions! They are on free time right now so they are running all over the living room. They are all going in different directions right now.. Once we get back from Texas we have got to get the cages built. Scott says he can do it..I don't know.. What I am wanting is tall cages...with different platforms for the cats and its going to be screened in.. with a floor and a door that is movable.. I think I better hire a Carpenter to do that. I wouldn't mind it being on wheels.. I have a very set idea of what I want and I just hope we get it done. I want it the size of a small bathroom.. So that needs to happen asap!
My friend told me she is going to be working in the yard today.. I thought to myself.. I use to do that all the time.. Then I let the dog out and realized how much I miss yard work.. However I have no desire to stay here at this house. So why plant flowers or anything.. Cant wait to get settled into a new bigger home. However, last night around 4 am I was walking through the house to get to the kitchen for a drink and I really felt safe. That's huge to me. But I still want to move!
I also have another friend on facebook who has a Persian cattery in Italy. Yep.. so we made friends a long time ago but we never talk. I don't think her English is good so today I got into google translate and sent her a message in Italian. Curious to see how that turns out. Hopefully the translator worked good and I didn't say something bad! Her cats are beautiful. I even asked if I could feature one on the blog.. So we will find out!
Time to get started around here.
ohh.. many more post of the kids coming up!
K Jaggers
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