Feelin' Green

Saturday, June 4, 2011

I don't know what has been going on with me the past few days.. I have just felt so under the weather. I thought it was the heat but today I wasn't hot and I was sick as ever..Stomach problems to say the least. Scott wasn't feeling too good tonight either. We both looked like we were dying around here tonight. I ended up actually getting up and cooking us some dinner. I made stuffed pork chops, green beans and cranberry sauce..It was pretty good but I could only eat a little bit. I think we might have a stomach bug or something..

I really wanted to get up more post and get some up on Kisha's House of Persians too. Ohh.. I am thinking about changing the name of the cattery.. I was checking into getting to getting the cattery registered and its not too big of a deal but I am really wanting to change it to Fancy Pants Persians and I got to figure it out for sure before I get it registered with the CFA. Its pretty expensive to register it too.. So I got to get to it and figure it out. So you might see some changes in the name in the coming days! As I type this the kittens are having free time and they are wondering all over the living room! They are so cute! I was just talking to my girlfriend and she doubts I will be able to sell them. But.. that's the business.. I have to sell them for the most part! My only question is do I keep one or two kittens out of this litter. I am thinking one.. but that other little white female sure has stole my heart!

I also got a email today from such a sweet reader who asked when I am going to be getting the next page to Chapter 4 up on Our Fairytale and I wish I had a answer for her. I doubt anything will be up on that until after the Texas trip. So sorry! I just need more time! I will work on it as soon as I can...Thank you for the sweet email! Sorry.. I havent responded...Emails backed up a bit too!

Speaking of time.. I also got to get that damn community service knocked out soon. I am not looking forward to that one bit. I even got a call from the woman in charge of that department telling me I need to get a move on it...otherwise I am sure I will end up in court and God knows I don't want to be there again. I hate that you have to have a state drivers licensee to drive..I mean really.. so many people have to drive and its not a luxury any more. I think we should have them for forms of ID but besides that its just a waste.. I do think you should be 18 before you can drive but after that.. I think it should be open for everyone.. without all those damn requirements..But until they vote me in to congress I doubt I will be able to change that on my own! =)

Well.. I am feeling a bit better for the moment. It comes and goes. So I guess I better get to bed and get to sleep before I start feeling bad again.

No big plans for tomorrow except sleeping in for a while and working around the house and doing some blogging!


K Jaggers
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