Hello.. blogging friends! ( and non blogging friends! )
Sorry that I yesterday and today I haven't been on here. Yesterday about 5 pm I went out on the back porch to shake out the mop and I left the door cracked and Giovanni got out the door so I dropped the mop ran back to the door to get it shut so Gabby wouldn't get out and before I could turn around Giovanni ran away.. It was horrible..Scott was on the golf course and came right home to help look for him. What made matters worse is that Scott took his collar off the other night so he was out roaming with out any ID. So I was beyond panicked. I cant believe it happened on my watch..Sigh..So Scott and I went and made a ton of flyers and hung them all over the neighborhood and we put one in every ones mail box.. At 5 am we were still up hunting the neighborhood for him. We took a break to eat a quick dinner ( which sucked ) and back out we went. I was praying and crying and just sick.. I thought for sure we would never find him.
I had to get some sleep so I think it was around 6 am before I passed out.. I woke up around 9 with my phone ringing from a lady in the neighborhood saying she saw him. That he was a couple houses down for a graduation party that was going on. They said he was panting so they put him in a carrier.. gave him food and water then they turned him loose.. My stomach got so upset when she told me that. So I went down there looking for him.. nothing.. Then one of my friends called to ask if I wanted help looking for him. It felt pretty hopeless to me.. But I said yes.. She came over.. Scott was on his way home from golfing so we all piled in the car and headed back down to the house where the party was going on. There was a huge field that backed up to the house and my idea was to search the field. So my friend and I went one way.. and the boys went another way. We were in the field for less than 5 minutes before I heard Giovanni meowing. I yelled for Scott. he came and said " no that's not him" and I knew it was.. So we stood there.. I called his name.. and he meowed again.. Scott took off running.. jumping over the barb wire fence and was looking for him. My friend also got over the fence by grabbing onto a tree and over she went.. I wasn't so lucky.. I got nicked by the fence but we walked through the yard and there was Scott and Giovanni. He was under a car. I couldn't believe it. I couldn't tell you how relieved I was. We were all happy..
Back home we came.. Scott gave dirty Giovanni a bath and we cooked out...So right now.. Scott and I are laying here in the living room exhausted and beat up but we are so thankful that he is home. Thank you to all you guys on facebook who was more than kind and caring. I mean its amazing how people come out in support of animals. It truly touched my heart..
And another thing that touched my heart was when my daughter was at church today with my mom.. she put a prayer request in for me and my cat..I cant tell you how much that means to me. That little girl and little boy are truly the best things I ever did. I don't even have words for what I feel for those kids. I couldn't be more blessed..
I am heading to the bath..
Talk to you guys tomorrow..
K Jaggers
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