
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Its been a cool rainy day here and its continued into the night. Its rained non stop from about 7 pm on. I have the window open right now and it sounds really pretty! I think its suppose to rain for the next few days.

I am pretty tired tonight. I am so ready to go curl up in the bed..I don't know why I am this tired but I am. Today was pretty easy. I did a little shopping and then tried to get a little done around the house. I had a friend stop over who was having a hard day.. I felt really bad for her. She talked to me for a couple of hours..then Scott came home and she talked with him for about 20 minutes and I hope she is home and feeling better. Then while she was here one of my other girlfriends started texting about her relationship problems. I felt really bad for both of them. As my one friend was leaving I told her that after listening to her and my other girlfriend..

I feel truly blessed.

Scott told her that he read the post A Sweet Life this morning and it brought tears to his eyes. That sure made my heart melt. I am just so happy to not be out there in the world having relationship problems. I am really grateful for what I have. I went through so much bad that now I can truly appreciate the good. I couldn't ask for anything more.

I posted the winner for the giveaway.. If you haven't checked it out you can click ~ HERE ~ to check it out. They still have not contacted me so if that hasn't happened by tomorrow around dinner time.. I will have to pick another winner.. So you never know! I will be sure to keep you guys posted tomorrow!

I wish I could have got more post up today but it just wasnt happening. I have been walking around here like I am in a coma today so it has been a struggle just keeping up with what I had to. I don't know if tomorrow will be much different. Scott says he is taking most of the day off so I suspect we will be spending the day together. He said he is going in early and will only be there for an hr or so but you never know. He may end up staying longer. But I would love to spend the day with him!

I ended up cooking a dinner that SUCKED tonight. I went to make beef gyros but they did not have the proper steak at the grocery store so I went with a different cut. It was wayyyy too tough and I even marinated it for hours before cooking it. Also it seemed like the pitas were stale..It sucked but that's life. I think it was the theme of the day! But I ended up eating some golden grams a little while ago and I am ok! Tomorrow.. dinner will for sure be better! Pork Roast.. Yummmmm!!!!

My beautiful kitty cats are doing awesome! Honestly.. a lot of my day is oohing and gooing over those little precious baby's. I ended up bringing the basket out to the living room this evening so I can see them really well and let Gabby run the house a little.. Giovanni is doing really well with them. He is nosey and wants to check them out but..he is gentle. I cant wait till they open their eyes in the coming days!!!

I will for sure to get some pictures up of them tomorrow!!

I am just too sleepy tonight!

Goodnight friends..


K Jaggers
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