
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Its been a busy day around here in the Jagger's house! Scott got me up at 730..We talked for a few minutes...back to bed I went.. for a few hours. Scott went back to work and then it was a few years later before he was home again waking me up!

Its cold and raining here. Its not a day to be out if you don't have to. I am not looking forward to errands today!

Scott is wanting to find someone to pick up a car from the auction in Clarksville, Indiana.. that was bought for a customer. Then drive it down here to North Carolina.. he will pay for your time..reimburse the gas and fly you back home next day. So we have been on the phones trying to find someone to do it! If you are interested shoot me an email..Clearly you need a valid drivers license.. It needs to happen in the next few days.. I am sure a family member will be helping out!

I called and got all the instructions to register the kittens.. Easy stuff.. So got to get that done today.. The babies are out in the living room in their basket along with Gabby and they are so freaking cute! Its hard to not want to hold them all the time! I am so thankful that all 3 are healthy happy kittens!

My mom is a total mess today. One of my Uncles has battled cancer in the past.. Lost his arm in the fight and the Dr.s did a check up recently and found something they were concerned with and are sending him to a specialist. He is nervous but trying not to let it show. Mom is very worried.. So please.. keep him in your prayers. I will keep you guys posted as I know more.

A couple of my girlfriends are having a tough time. I have talked to one today and I feel so bad for her. I am hoping this all works out for both of them. Relationships are hard.. and in my opinion you need a strong foundation of friendship and good times to get you through the bumpy times.. I think they both have that in both of their relationships and I think they will be ok!

Michael is coming over for dinner tonight. When its rainy.. Tuesdays is a pretty normal night for him to come! He came last Tuesday too! I enjoy having him over and I think its good that he can get a good home cooked meal once a week! I am cooking a pork roast.. Hopefully it wont suck like last nights dinner.. I need to run to the store too. So got to get up and do that really soon!

Well.. I have been on the phone all day and I still haven't called my beautiful grandmother.. Got to do that next!

Hope you guys are having a great day!

I will try to get some post up later in the evening!

K Jaggers
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