
Saturday, April 9, 2011

Before U sleep, just gently lay
Every troubled thought away;
Drop your burden & your care
In the quiet arms of prayer.
Sleep in Peace, Remember GOD is awake!

I don't know why I fight going to sleep so much..Earlier I got really sleepy but I fought it and now I am still up at 1:30 in the morning..Really who cares..I can sleep in most mornings..and Sat is no different. But for some odd reason I don't feel guilty about it on the weekends!! Same goes with making the beds.. I make the beds every day and I like to skip the weekends. Some times I make them on the weekends but most of the time..those are my free days...sometimes I clean..sometimes I don't! When its just me home on Sundays I sometimes really like to clean..But with this gorgeous weather.. I am just enjoying myself out and about as much as possible..Today I took a nice long walk around the yard and then played ball with Super Cooper for a while and it just felt great..I could have used a hammock today.. Really..One thing that we didn't bring with us was our porch swing..And we need one again..I think I will have to head to the store to get another one..Put some cushions on it and I will be out there napping!

My new friends are getting married tomorrow..I really wish we could be there but Scott has to work and I don't really want to go alone! It starts tomorrow at 2pm!! I am very happy for them! Got to go find them a gift before they get back! Don't know what it will be but got to find something!! I went and seen her today and she was really busy trying to get everything done..They get married tomorrow..Drive to Florida Sunday..Board a Cruise on Monday..Come back home on Sunday of next week!!

Sooooo...we are petting sitting...

~ Disco ~

His journey to our house was really something..will tell you guys that story tomorrow when I am more up to it..I am really happy that the cats really haven't noticed him..We kinda have him up high so no cats mistake Disco for dinner!

Scott works till 4 tomorrow but it could be longer..Nice weather brings more customers out..so who knows how late he will be.. I just hope hes home in time for dinner and the 730 showing of Arthur! I cant wait to see it! Loved that movie in the 80's and love Russell Brand and Helen Miren..Will for sure let you guys know
how it is!

I have been working on a lot of post tonight that will be up over the weekend.. so stay posted!!

Well I am off to bed!

I wish all you a great weekend!!

K Jaggers
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