~ Tuesday Ramblings ~

Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Morning Graphics

I am sure this post, and the one before this one, sure came as a shock to you guys. I am up super dooper early for me..As you could tell from my post last night, I have had a lot on my mind and I think its kinda hard to sleep when you are thinking about so many things. I slept on the couch for a bit last night, then the cats woke me up, so then I head to bed and Scott is trying to get ready to go to work and even though he was trying to be quiet, it was hard to go to sleep.. Then Michael and his dad are doing things.. They had to be at the apartment at 9 to get the cable hooked up.. So they were moving around and making noise too..Just not a day to sleep in.. But that doesn't mean I wont go lay back down! I really hope they get moved today.. I want the house back..To be frank.. Really tired of roommates and house guest. There have been many days that I feel like I have to leave to get peace and its my freaking house! I will be so happy once that changes. Fingers Crossed that they move into the apartment today! I don't really think that will happen..Because Michael said he would be here tonight...but...fingers crossed that he changes his mind! Not that I don't love him..Just happy to be getting things back to normal around here.

I know you all realize that there has been a lot of tension and stress in the house. Last night I was feeling terrible about everything..My relationship, my life, my house, the town we live in.. EVERYTHING. But I cant live that way.. I think that way..But everything was piling up you know.. But today is a fresh day.I know it may not go as planned but I need to just need to put a smile on my face and roll with it. I don't want to spend the day or upcoming days worried or upset. I sent Scott a email last night and he responded to really sweet this morning. That helped too. One of the best things about Scott is he don't give up easy..He is a fighter..and he fights for us..even when I don't.. I love him dearly..He has given me a life I don't always deserve. Like I said..Life will get so much better when we get our house back!

I have to run out later and get to the post office!! Got to get these brushes mailed out!! I kid you not.. Giving is one of the best feelings ever! I had such a good time with the giveaway and I really wanted all of you to win! I am glad there are services to randomly pick a winner... I could never do it!! It would be so hard! Big thanks to all of you great readers for entering the giveaway! I loved all your answers.. Stay posted for another giveaway.. Should have it up by the weekend or the beginning of next week. Its going to be a good one!!

Well I am going to turn on the tv in the bedroom and lay back for a while.. I am sure Michael will be here before long packing up the rest of his stuff.. if he can.. Its suppose to rain.. so I bet he wont get it all moved today.. I really hope I am wrong but I dont think so. We'll see!

Happy Tuesday!!

K Jaggers
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