Late Night → Bloggin' ←

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Wow...It seems like late night is the only time I have had lately to blog..I need more hours in the day it seems! Don't know if tomorrow will be any different. Scott is home all day and I am sure we will be figuring out some things to do on our only full day together of the entire week. I know we are going to enjoy a late brunch, then I want to go look for curtains...if I can talk Scott into it.

It rained all day here today..I got up around noon, got dressed and out the door I went..Ran to walmart, got a few things I wanted..Then I ran to Jack in the Box and got a breakfast sandwich ( they serve it all day ) and was killing time waiting for Scott to get off work...

So I headed into the goodwill..Found a few neat household items and when I was checking out I encountered...

These two ladies.. They were freaking hilarious!!!!

This one was the funnest of all..She just rambled on in her deep southern draw..It was the highlight of my day!! I loved her!! She had a huge personality! I wanted to follow her out the door and hang out! She gave me tons

After I checked out, I headed home to go out with baby...

in really wet weather!!!

We drove for almost an hour to go

to go to this huge mall...It was longer than what I thought we need drive in that rain but I cant pass up shopping!!

However, I think we might have been just as happy going for dinner and a movie in bed. Really we were both tired..I was dozing off on the way there. But an hour later we were....

Walking through the mall parking lot...And the mall was HUGE..

On the way in I saw this new little baby shoe in the parking lot.
Wonder what little baby is missing their shoe!

Here is the food court..Its got a beautiful carousel int he middle..

don't remember what part of the mall this is.. This mall was one of the biggest I have been to in a long time..I only got a few pictures because I was walking around trying to eat pretzel bites, drink a coke, carry my purse and hold Scott's hand..But here are the others...

Love this jumpy thing.. Brittany and Jackson love these! I think Scott and I need one in our house! I really love it!

The end was the Bass Pro Shop in it..Wasn't really interested in that so we turned around and before I knew it we were passing a **** HUGE **** purse display that I just had to go check out..To the purses I went and to the shoes Scott went...

I love purses..Its so fun getting new ones!


Then we were back to walking the mall...I think we must have walked a mile to get to the Nascar go carts..

There were 2 levels to this huge area...Go carts on top level..

I thought Scott wanted to ride them but he didn't want to wait.. I don't know what happened to him...But after that he was ready to go home..So away we went..He was tired and not feeling his best so before I knew it we were home and he got in the shower and was in bed in no time.

Here is the purse I got!!!!

Its a beautiful Alfred Dunner purse...Its a dark pink shinny and soft color..I love it!!!

Its got a separator..lots of room and lots of storage..

I also got this wallet...Its very close to the color of the purse..Just not so shinny..

and its divided really nice too!

I also picked up a could cute tank tops at Old Navy..

And here is what Baby got tonight..He has been on this shoe obsession lately.. He has shoes all over the house. But whatever..He works hard...And gives me all I ever could want..But he is loving the shoes right now..He just bought another pair last night....Funny as I write this, I can hear him snoring..LoL..Love him so much..I couldn't ever imagine being without him. Life is so much better because of him..Even on bad days..

Hopefully this next week I will be able to really get some post up. Monday I am hoping to get a lot done! I still need to go grocery shopping. The only thing holding me up is I haven't made a list and planned out any meals. I can do it without planning but it harder..Soooo.. I really need to get that done soon..I need to try to get grocery shopping in tomorrow if I can..But it might have to wait till Monday too. I also want to catch those girl scouts at Walmart for some cookies!!!! I meant to get them today but I forgot..And got to get some of them cookies!!!

Well I am heading to bed..

I am sure tomorrow will be a long day too!

Nighty Night!

K Jaggers
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