** Nighty Night **

Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Night Graphics

Its 1 am..My alone time in the house...Yep..that's what I said.. Michael and his father are still here tonight. I'm honestly not sure why. They had plenty of time to get everything moved but I guess Michael wanted one last night in the house. I admit..Scott and I were really hoping to have the house to ourselves tonight but it didn't work out that way. So tomorrow it is...I don't like this half in, half out.. I want him to get himself and his dad settled in his own apartment so we can get the house back in order. I have lots of things I am wanting to get done and I cant do any of it with him here. But I am going to miss Michael a bit. But its not like we wont see each other! =))

Well on a brighter note.. We went out to a great dinner with Rick and Karen. We all headed out to the Olive Garden for a yummy meal. I did take pictures but my camera was dirty..I didn't really notice and the pictures came out not looking so good. So I didn't really want to post them.. I am sure we will have more nights with them where I can get better pictures!! Dinner was great and we all seemed to have a great time! This weekend its suppose to be really warm and I was thinking about maybe grilling out. Get the table all set and decorated outside, get a glass of wine and just enjoy the beautiful evening..!!

Sounds wonderful to me!!!

Nothing has been going as planned around here. I am sure most of you know how irritating that is for me. Scott does so much better at letting things go than I do. I hate for my schedule to be all messed up! I know its crazy..most people assume I don't have any kind of schedule but I do...there are always things to get done around here. I have a ton of errands to run in the next couple of days...a ton of stuff to do around here...and a lot of calls to make.. Having a house guest really gets things out of whack!!! Lets hope that tomorrow that ends and things get normal around here!

I am working on some great post!!

♥ Late Night BLT Bar ♥

♥Another St. Patt's day look ♥

♥  Mail Call ♥

♥ 3 Movie Reviews ♥

♥ A Replacement Haul ♥

♥ A look around ♥

♥ A fun spring cookie Recipe ♥

♥ Friday Favorites ♥

♥ Whats on the Menu ♥

♥ Wishful Wednesday ♥

♥ Thankful Thursday ♥

♥ A Book Review ♥
I am sure there are even more but that's all I can think of right now.. Lots of fun post coming up this week!! I should have the new contest up over the weekend! I am sure all you Ladies will love it! I hope to have a lot of you guys entering!! Its so fun to see your answers and I got so excited to find out who the winner was!!  It was sooo freaking fun!!!

It made me smile ear to ear to give those brushes away!

Well I am going to get to bed soon..I am hoping to sleep ...sleep.... sleep ... in tomorrow..I know I shouldn't being I have a ton of things to get done tomorrow but I am hoping that maybe Michael will get finished up before I get up and I can wake up to a quiet empty house.

Happy Wednesday Friends!!

K Jaggers
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