Hello Wednesday!!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Hope you are all having a great Wednesday.. I have been running all over town trying to get the errands over so I could come home and clean things up. When I got here..I quickly realized Michael moved out!! Pretty excited about having the house back to ourselves! =) I am also excited for Michael!! I know living with me isn't easy I am sure he is just as happy to have his own place. From what I hear..his apartment is adorable!! I cant wait to get over there and see it! It has a windy Little set of stairs that leads up to a loft. I think he is going to be really happy there!

Well the only thing I have accomplished today so far is getting my errands ran..I had a lot to do around town so that took up the majority of my time today. I have a ton of things to do around the house so I am going to work on it little by little tonight and tomorrow I will just stay home all day and get it done.. I also have Michael's room to re due! Pretty excited about that! Cant wait to get things changed up around here..

Spring is in the air!!!

Love this weather and love the idea of getting out doors a bit more and trying to find time to enjoy time with Scott. We just need to smile more and have better days..Now that's its just us in the house, I think it will get easier! Plus Scott will be out on the golf course much more when he can..He loves it and I never really mind as long as he has a good time..and also makes time for us! And believe it or not..I love the golf course too! Soooo happy that the weather is starting to change.


Maybe I will start to like it around it here..I don't know what else to do..I was talking with a loved one earlier today and they let me know they were feeling the same about where they live too...So I am not the only one not liking where they live. But I am blessed..Scott gives me a great life and I just have to find the good in things instead of focusing on the bad..

Hope you all are having a great day!

Will work on getting some post up during the evening.. But right now.. the house is waiting on me!

Happy Wednesday Friends!

K Jaggers
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