{ YAWN }

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Hello friends..

Hope you all are having a great night. I am surprised I am still up being how tired I was today. I am sure not a morning person. It really messes with me! I actually think Scott got some of my sleepiness too because once he hit the bed he was snoring and sleeping like a baby. He said today was a hard day for him...Customers being pains in the butt. ; )

Tonight we really just laid back and enjoyed 2 hours of American Idol. I really like that show. Cant wait to see who wins! While I was watching American Idol I got a post up with some poll questions on it. If you didn't get to see it yet click HERE to get to that page. I really want your feedback so please take a minute to answer them. All answers are confidential..I have no idea who has answered them.. I am going to keep reminding you all about it so I can get as many votes as I can. I want to know more about you great readers of mine! I know from Site Meter that you are coming to this blog over and over and yet most of you stay pretty quiet. I really hope to hear more feed back from you guys!

I figure tomorrow sometime I will put up some of the information from sitemeter for you guys to see. This blog has really took off and I'm proud of it.. Plain and Simple..

I feel like lately I have got carried away with make up, beauty products, reviews...I have a lot to say and I need to put a little more " me " in here. I love to write and I am going to continue with this mission.. A mission to bring who ever into our lives to share this journey with us. This blog has really been a peek inside the life of a stay at home wife and mother. I am proud of that.

I have recently talked to 2 fellow bloggers who have google ads on their blogs. Both have brought in about 300-500 a month. Very surprising to me. One pretty much told me that I would be fool not to put a few ads up and see how much they bring in. So...that's what I am going to do.. If google approves it and I think they will.. I filled everything out and I am waiting to see how it all works. It might be a great way to provide a little extra money. Would love it if this blog brought any amount of $ in! Michael was telling me tonight that I should do it and so here I am...First time ever.. putting ads up on the blog!

Ohhh..more blog news..

I found a new layout that I looooove!!!! I might change it up.. Its still 3 column and its lighter in color. I love the black and I might keep it but I am not sure.. I just really loved the one I came across the other day!!

Another thing I am going to be changing up is the going from  ~ .blogspot to .com ~ I am tired of such a looong web address that I am going to switch it up.. I am actually excited about having a custom domain address and will be changing it over in the coming weeks. I will be sure to let you all know when that happens..

Well its been a long day.. Tomorrow will be even longer for Scott. He works till 8 and while I love the extra hours to get things done, he has to stay at work and earn a living for us. Someone made a reference to a car sales man the other night to me...I guess they just don't know..The life the car business has gave us is a pretty damn good one. I started selling cars with Scott when we were on the road and the money really did pour in. Of course we had a lot of travel expenses but we had a blast and if I would have known at 19 what I know now, I would have been selling cars from the beginning. So I am thankful for him working hard and giving us a nice home, a nice life, and its all from selling cars. Its what he does best..Hands down.. He is one of the best in the business.

Well, I am heading to bed soon..I think I might toss in a load of laundry to wash while I am in bed. That would help put me ahead of the game tomorrow..No big plans. Working around the house and running a couple errands...But what I look most forward to is...

~ Sleeping in!! ~

Sweet dreams

K Jaggers

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