Hello friends! I hope your Monday is going well. As many of you know... I post a week in review recapping what happened over the week & weekend. Its something that I have been doing off and on for years. Its just a simple way to give you guys a glimpse into our week. I have changed up the vlogging schedule where I will be uploading a Day in the life vlog Monday...as always and then another on Thursday. Monday's vlog will cover Friday, Saturday and Sunday of the previous week and Thursdays vlog will be for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. So here is the most recent day in the life vlog from this past weekend. Hope you enjoy!
In case you missed my vlog from the first part of the week, here it is.
This past week it was winter break for the kids around here. I think it just sounds silly because of the weather but the boys sure didn't care what they called it. They were super happy they got a week off from waking up early, bus rides, homework and much less time on their electronics. It was fun and easy for the kids but we have been trying hard to get our lives back to running smoothly on schedule and it just wasn't that way through winter break. I don't really mind most days because the kids are pretty good at entertaining themselves. However, it does make it a little harder to get computer work done. I don't think you guys would believe me if I told you sometimes it takes me all day to write a simple blog post. It's easy to get distracted in this house. :)
So as I mentioned our weather has been anything but normal. There were warm days, foggy days, rainy days and even a few cold days this past week. I think we had almost every kind of weather in one week. It certainly didn't feel like Christmas around here and it felt more like spring break than winter. I think it's crazy and probably proves what a mess this planet is but it's hard to complain when we are not getting snow dumped on us. I took that little bit of time to clean up the porches and remove all the holiday stuff. It actually felt good finishing up with holidays. I just wanted life to go back to normal.Thursday night my house was loud and fun. The kids were bouncing all over the place. I was talking with Laura through facebook with an ear piece in and Brittany was on facetime on my phone and even Scott stayed up this year. - Shocking to say the least. We were all watching the ball dropping counting down from 10 remembering that this was a good year. It might been hard at times. We might have felt like everything was a mess in our lives at one point but I closed my eyes right before the clock struck midnight and remembered all my blessings. Scott was kissing and hugging us all. He was toasting Dr Pepper with the boys and it was a fun night. We all enjoyed bringing in the new year with each other regardless of any of the trying times we had in 2015. It's important to count your blessings and not your failures. It took forever to get our family calmed down and in bed. I think I was up till after 4am and the boys were probably up just as late. Thankfully on New Years day I enjoyed some amazon instant video and netflix without a care in the world. :) I didn't even do my routines or make the beds. It felt ammmmazing!
In my attempt to be normal ( hahaha...you know that's never going to happen right!? ) I decided to darken my hair up. I was looking at the 1st vlog of the week and the hair coming in around my temples is not only black but grey too. I am totally going salt and pepper with my older age and I thought it looked horrible. I used a chestnut dye and warmed it up some. I don't think its dark enough to hide the dark root growth but the darker color sure hides it better.
Our weekend was rather easy. Scott was busy working and the boys and I stayed around the house enjoying our time together. I actually started the 31 day challenge from the book Love the Home You Have and actually did a lot of cleaning and decluttering. I just feel after many years we have brought in a lot of " junk" in our lives that we don't use and that we shouldn't be storing; let alone packing up if we do move. It was just past time to start really considering what we were hanging onto and why. It felt so good tossing items in the garbage. Sunday we got up and enjoyed some time together before Scott and I headed out to do a little shopping. It was a little date that we made for ourselves as we shuffled through the isles at Walmart. Scott was in a pretty good day and we just did our little bit of shopping and got back home. It is nice when he goes with me. I normally have to do it all week after week and having some company from the man I love always makes it funner and easier.
This week I have just the standard wifely/mother duties to take care of. Here's a few of them.
:: Pre film some videos to stay ahead of schedule
:: Make treadmill time on as many days as possible this week.
:: Toss/fold/put away laundry.....today.
:: Clean up files on laptop
:: Get rid of fake Christmas tree.....taking it to the dump.
:: Get to bed at a reasonable time each night.
:: Water plants
:: Clean out car.
:: Paint nails. I am so over bright polish. I like a natural look and I am not changing it up anymore.
:: Send dental impressions out for custom trays.
:: Answer more holiday cards.
:: Send out email responses to business emails....TODAY
:: Fill prescriptions
:: Try to prep some dinners for this week.
:: Drink more fresh juice.
:: Clean up DVR's
:: Stick to the 31 day Love the Home You Have Challenge
:: Order stuff to make another big batch of homemade laundry soap.
:: Purge books no matter how hard it may be.
:: Move hedgehog to the first floor because Spikes keeps Jackson awake.
:: Clean up Scotts closet...again.
Here's some inspiration to take with you through the week:
Thank you guys for stopping by today. I know my vlogs are long. I understand that it's not always easy to spend an hour with us but I am thankful for each one of you! I hope you have a great week. Be sure to come back and visit when you can! You wouldn't believe the mistake we made this morning sending the kids to school. Since we are in a new year and I haven't had a lot of time to plan things out, I didn't know today was teachers day. Opps! Scott took them to school and ended up turning around and bringing them back home. I bet we are not the only parents who made that mistake today!!! So it's actually another day home with the boys. Needless to say, their surprise day off made their day. It's nothing but smiles and giggles around here. :) I hope you have a great week!
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