Hello friends. I hope you are having a wonderful Tuesday. I have been busy around the house today but I thought I would sit down, take a break and share my most recent video. :) At the beginning of every month, I like to look back and reflect on the previous month. I think these are great videos to really see changes and happenings month to month. Also below the video, there is a much more in depth blog post listing out even more things about this past month. Hope you enjoy.
Seeing: that no matter what I do, I will never be able to please everyone. It's sadly the way it is.
Making: time to do the Love the Home You Have Challenge and it feels amazing!
Cooking: more than what I want to be! I wish I was one of these women who simply doesn't cook. Yea...that sounds nice! :) But really cooking a lot of fast and easy meals.
Drinking: Pepsi. I know it should be water instead but I just thought it sounded good!
Hearing: my phone beep over and over with notifications.
Wanting: more time with my husband who seems to always be working.
Looking: into a few other work from home jobs. I love being home so why not make a little extra money while being able to stay in my comfort zone.
Playing: a lot of Amazon movies right now. Have I mentioned how much I love a good movie? Check out the Martian!
Wasting: precious hours I could sleep because of those amazon movies I talked about! ↑
Bookmarking: a few new blogs that I have found and love.
Understanding: teenage boys living together is complicated....at all times! :) I am starting to understand that I don't have to break up every fight or argument.
Wishing: the new year is going to be amazingly good.
Touching: soft fur babies. Our kitty cats are so loving and kind. They just want human affection.
Enjoying: winter break being over. With the house quiet I tend to get a lot more done.
Waiting: to get a new video camera. I really need one but it's not going to happen for a while. Gotta make do with what I have.
Planning: less and doing more.
Liking: the heat in the house. After a warm Christmas it gets cold. I wish the weather would make up it's mind.
Wondering: how in the world the garbage man forgot our house yesterday. Thanks a lot. I just paid the bill too.
Loving: how clean, de-clutterd and organized the house is starting to feel.
Hoping: some of my favorite tv shows will be back on soon.
Hating: ridicule and speculation. If you want to know something, why not just ask.
Needing: a iv of coffee put into my arm. I have felt so sleepy today.
Smelling: Glad Wax Melts. I love that fresh clean smell....and its a part of the 31 day challenge!
Wearing: Yoga pants and a tee shirt. Why not be comfortable. Another perk of working from home!
Pinning: not that much. :(
Learning: that I don't need half the stuff I have.
Teaching: my boys how to be kind to each other even when they are upset.
Noticing: Super Cooper is having a harder and harder time getting up the stairs. It's hard watching a dog that actually started our family many years ago get older. It's heartbreaking.
Tasting: a potato cake from Arbys. And yep...that's where the Pepsi came from.
Knowing: I am not a huge fan of social media. I have to use it for the blog and youtube but I could totally live without it.
Thinking: that my subscribers are some of the sweetest people I know. Thank you guys for always making a girl feel welcome.
Thinking: that my subscribers are some of the sweetest people I know. Thank you guys for always making a girl feel welcome.
Opening: a can of whoop-ass on my husband tonight for being too busy to take my calls today. Hahahaha. Just kidding! He's just a busy guy and we have been texting a lot.
Giggling: with my best friend most nights on the phone about all the lies told about me. Let your imagination go wild. I can handle it.
Feeling: motivated to keep going and doing better. Trying to stay positive.
December: much better than November.:) Christmas was quiet at home and once we were through the holidays life seemed to quickly go back to normal. I felt like the weight of the world was off my shoulders and I was grateful that we were moving into a new year.
Feel free to join in and answer the questions yourself if you are a blogger! I would love to read your answers....leave a link in the comments so I can come visit. Have a great day! I'll try to be back later tonight with a new Tuesday Truths post. xx
Feel free to join in and answer the questions yourself if you are a blogger! I would love to read your answers....leave a link in the comments so I can come visit. Have a great day! I'll try to be back later tonight with a new Tuesday Truths post. xx
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