What's Cookin' | Our Daily Meals | Video

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Hello friends. I hope your Sunday evening is going good. I am back tonight sharing a quick What's Cookin' video sharing our daily meals. Normally these videos are a lot more in depth but I just was cooking fast easy meals that required very little effort. Winter vacation for the boys have meant more family time which means less time for me in the kitchen. There were a few nights we were eating at 8:30. Reminds me of summer nights with dinner landing on the table well into the evening! Anyway, here's the dinners we had from last week. Hope you enjoy! 

Tonight we are in full prep mode since the boys are back at school tomorrow. Neither is happy but I am hoping life will feel better when we get back on schedule. I'll do my best at filming dinners a little better too! :) I will have a new vlog with a food included within it tomorrow. I hope you come back and check it out. xx

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