Hello friends! I hope your evening is going well. It's been a long day for me and I am totally happy to be home relaxing at this point in the evening. It's been a day of menu planning, searching and printing for coupons, and then shopping...bringing it home, making a video, editing, uploading...finally getting it all put away. - Woooooh....see it's a lot! - Anyway, I bought a lot from Ingles, Aldi's and Walmart. In order to get the best deals I had to shop around. Some of this is for Thanksgiving but some is also for us leading up before Thanksgiving and after. My mom is bringing the big turkey and a bunch of other stuff which is totally nice and helpful.
Now I get to use my Walmart Savings Catcher to see if I can save even more money! How's your Thanksgiving shopping going? Are you finding a lot of great sales? I found those chicken tenderloins on a major sale at Ingles so I got a couple extra packages for other recipes. I love finding good deals! :) I hope your day went well. I'll see ya tomorrow.
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