Ask the Housewife Your Questions Answered: Part 1 →Video←

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Hello friends!I sure hope your night is going well. I am posting a little later than normal because it's just been a busy family night. It's been a night of cleaning up the kitchen, laundry, making dinner, a bouncy dog, loud kids and a even louder husband. I just had to wait until things calmed down to share this video that I uploaded earlier today. These are the questions that many of you sent in and it's just part 1. There were just too many questions to get them all answered in one video......hope you enjoy!

I hope your weekend in going well. I always think they go by too fast! I am happy the night is starting to slow down and I am going to be getting into a long hot bath really soon. :) Sounds like heaven doesn't it!? See ya tomorrow! 

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