Large Food Shopping Haul | Video |

Monday, November 9, 2015

Hello friends. I hope you are having a great day. I am still feeling under the weather but I refuse to let this flu take another week from me. I am back sharing a new food haul from yesterday. Thankfully Scott went and helped me get through the big job of shopping and then the kids helped me put them away. :) If you want to know the meals we have coming up plus the items we got, enjoy the video. 

I'm sorry that I didn't get a week in review up today. Basically it was a week of being sick. I have been laid up on the couch trying to recover but still, my cold continues. I am taking a ton of medicine and antibodics so hopefully they will actually start to kick in soon. I do have a new vlog that should be up on my youtube channel in a couple of hours. It's just bits and pieces but hopefully next Monday I will have new WIR for you guys! Thanks for stopping by. 
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