Speaking of daughters my little Brittany Belle is practicing hard for her cheer-leading competitions. I am also very proud of her good grades, cheer-leading and growing into a lovely young lady. I put a little ♥ by her in the pictures below so you would know which she is!
I hate our family being so spread out. I really do. I wish I could gather them all up and move to Florida or Hawaii. No joke. That would totally make me happy. I doubt I would ever move back up north but I would love for all of us to be together. I really want my older son to get to know the rest of the kids but he's still not ready. Hopefully in the future we will have everyone together in spot at the same time.
Jackson this past week did pretty well. He is super hyper and when he doesn't take his medication he can wear you out pretty fast. But his progress report was pretty good and hes trying to do more and more to help around the house. He even vacuumed the 2nd floor this past weekend! Wooooooo-hooooooo! I love the help! He is also celebrating his 12th birthday this month on the 23rd...and specifically asked for no party. :)
This past week, I have worked hard to be more of a team player with my family. Its not something that comes easy for me but I think that's a big part of our problem. I grew up with all independent strong willed, loud, women and I don't surrender easy. I feel like I wear the pants most of the time and I think its time I try to let Scott take the lead more. I am trying to see us as a team and not the opposites that we are. We love each other and I think we are both committed to keeping our marriage, home, and family together. Even on the hard days, if I approach it with grace and not fear, I think I will feel better about myself and my marriage. So baby steps.
- Start following new schedule......and stick to it!
- Meditate daily.
- Call Laura and check in on her.
- Finish putting out the fall decorations.
- Put up the pile of laundry waiting on me.
- Round up September Favorites
- Continue Coopers Workouts and diet regime.
- Take less phone calls.....Today is a test day with that new schedule. I noticed I have fallen off due to phone calls. No joke. I seriously need to answer the phone less..and make less calls myself.
- Menu Plan for next week
- Answer Emails & YT Comments.....sorry I am so behind with answering back! I'm trying.
- Trim back basil...it grows faster than I can get it used!
- Call Houseparty.com and try to get something fixed.
- Clean 1st floor windows
- Tell Scott and Jackson a new reason I love them everyday. ♥
- Do updates on computer....BTW....I took the newest computer back, you know my 2nd laptop in a week and I am back on my beloved Sony Vaio. I just wasn't happy with either.
- Clean the ceiling fans.
- Go check the PO Box before they get mad at me for the piled up mail waiting on us to pick up.
- Pull recipes from old magazines before burning them in the bonfire this coming weekend.
- Finish my newest Kabbalah Book
- Film everyday this week!
- Get big load of firewood. I found ablaze in our area that is very reasonable and came in the evening hours and even stacked it for us. We did help....but we didn't have to. He was super nice and its about time to call him again.
- Order some more cute post it notes.....super cheap and super cute!
- Call and make Cooper a Vet appointment for a check up later this week.
- Pre make Jackson's breakfast for this week....TODAY. → Going to film...stay tuned.
- Send pictures to get printed out. I love we can do that online now and just pick up the pictures later!
- Empty out the ton of change floating around in the bottom of my purse....and I wonder why its always so heavy. I probably have $25 in there.
- Update Videos on Pinterest Boards
- Make Cupcakes