Week in Review Oct 13- 19, 2014 w/ Day in the Life Vlog & To Do's

Monday, October 20, 2014

Hello friends! I hope you are having a wonderful Monday. As many of you know... I post a week in review recapping what happened over the week & weekend. Its something that I have been doing off and on for years. Its just a simple way to give you guys a glimpse into our weekend. I also vlogged a little each day which you can see in the video below. I have been trying to move all my video's to my main channel including the vlogs but for right now I am uploading them to both channels. I think that is the best way to do it right now but eventually they will probably all move to my housewife life main youtube channel. I hope you don't mind but I have been trying to figure out a way to make everyone happy. I don't expect you to watch them twice but now you will be able to find my vlogs on both channels. ↓Here it is↓ Hope you enjoy! More pictures and info below! 

This Past Week:

Hello friends. I hope you are having a great Monday. I got a little later of a start again today but I am not worried about it. I figure the house isn't in a hurry for me to clean it up so I will work on that later this afternoon and evening. Scott doesn't even get home most nights until after 8pm so that does give me extra time to get things done. So the weather here today is pretty. Over the past few days we have had rain, thunderstorms, and even tornado sirens going on and off from time to time. Leaves have been falling off the trees a little faster than what I want. I love fall but I know in a matter of weeks, I am going to be freezing! I hope wherever you are, you are enjoying all the fall beauty. Even you floridians! Scott enjoyed his time at home Sunday. It was his first day off since starting his new job. I wasn't crazy about the dealership where he ended up. I am a Volkswagen fan through and through so I wanted him to stay there!! I am also a Nissan fan but he is at neither of those stores. I don't tell where yet, but its a big store and its selling a ton more cars than the Volkswagen store. So maybe it was the right move. However, he is coming home exhausted after working such long hard hours. And more cars mean more money so I am just doing my best to keep my big mouth shut! And over all he does seem happier. So that matters more than anything.

As the week went through, I stayed busy trying to use my planner and new schedule to get back on track and get more things accomplished. Its been hard... I am still not fully into the new school year but each day I am getting things cleaned up and organized. Plus I have been giving myself more time to get my mind cleared and centered. I talk a little more about it in my Sunday Inspiration post. Its a process. I can't just let myself lay around depressed and or angry and have a happy life. So staying busy has been a big key to losing all those negative thoughts. And when they do pop up, I am trying harder to control them by bringing myself back to a happy thought or memory. It might silly but it has helped. I am just my best to stay present and take each day at it comes without worry or hesitation.

By time the weekend came and I thought Jackson and I could use the time to check the PO Box and do some shopping. He is almost 12 and doesn't always want to go run errands and go shopping with mom. But I got him out of the house and we had a really nice time out. If you want to check that food haul out click right here.

We spent the rest of the weekend at home enjoying time with the animals.. Cooper is really starting to workout more and lose a little weight. We'll find out at his next Vet appointment. A s you can see in the picture Willow was just wanting my attention. She moved all around while I was filming part of the vlog and just wanted to be noticed. I thought it was super cute! We finished Saturday night off with chocolate chip pancakes which totally hit the spot. We don't get up most mornings and have a big breakfast so we try to have it for dinner every couple of weeks. Its totally one of Jackson's favorite meals.

Also over the weekend, I got a blog facelift. I seriously drove this woman crazy but she was nothing but sweet to me. I am so thankful for all her help. We did go back to my wide white background but that is the only way I can have larger pictures and videos. Plus the blue strip I loved that was the background made a few family members complain it hurt their eyes. So taking that into account, we just used some of her accents on this blog. It was a lot of work for her because I kept making changes as I went. But I totally love her work and appreciate all her help. And I hope you like you the new look! I just wanted more color...and I guess a header is about the only way I am going to get it!

Last night I was in the shower and bed pretty early but not without a yummmmmy cup of eggnog. Even if you are someone who has never had and think its awful.....try it again. It is like heaven on my tongue. I love it. And you can only really get it in these cooler months so put it on the grocery list and enjoy it while you can! The Southern Comfort is amazing. There is no alcohol unless you put some in. So its great for the kids too!

It was overall a very nice weekend. I enjoyed having us all here together at the same time yesterday. Scott really does work a lot and is not home that much. I wish the 2 weeks he was home before he took this job we could have enjoyed it more instead I worried the entire time. And now I miss him. What gives?  I was just happy we all had a great Sunday together. Oh we also checked out another house in the same area here but without a peeping tom. So yea.. we just might be moving next months but we would still be in the same neighborhood.

  • Go through bags of mail that came from the post office...Sigh.
  • Finish the last couple of loads of laundry today. 
  • Update chalkboard walls. 
  • Get busy on the weekly cleaning and try to get it done in 1.5 hours not 2 hours. Wish me luck!
  • Quick clean up of the frig. 
  • Give Scott a really nice back rub to say I love you. 
  • Finish planning the week out... including videos and blog posts. 
  • Scoop cat boxes. YUCK! 
  • Food prep some meals for the week. 
  • Freshen up fresh flower water. 
  • Call Jackson's School. 
  • Pick a day to catch up with old friends who left Voicemails that I never returned....sorry. 
  • Quick wipe down of leather furniture that I didn't get done last week. 
  • Trim back herbs and dry basil. 
  • Dust ceiling fans off... a job I truly hate. 
  • Remove ashes from the fire place and get it ready for the next cold night. 
  • Make time to call and check in on my mom. 
  • Wipe down inside of the car....its looks messy! 
  • Continue to mediate in the mornings and find peace first thing to carry through the day with me. 
  • Whiten teeth.....which I seriously hate. 
  • Clean out the pictures on my phone....to make it run faster. 
  • Go pumpkin picking and having a family carving night. 
  • Check emails and respond to comments. 

Here's some information to take along the week with you!

Thanks for stopping by. I hope you all have a beautiful and blessed week. I would love to hear how last week went for you if you care to share!