Large Food Haul w/ Menu Ideas along w/ Day in the Life Shopping Vlog Footage! | Video |
Saturday, October 11, 2014
Hello friends! I hope your evening is going well. I think I am about to run out to the Dollar Tree to pick up a few items but I thought I would first share our latest Large Food Haul w/ menu ideas. I also put in some of my DITL Shopping Vlog at the end! This should last us close to 2 weeks with maybe a quick in between trip to get more milk or produce. Hope you enjoy.
Years ago I would have never guessed that I would be sharing our food shopping hauls and such. Its so amazing because my food hauls started from me watching Julia Graft on youtube. Her vlogging channel had a lot of hauls and I was sucked in. I love watching them as much as I like sharing them... so if you have a food haul you'd like to share be sure to leave it in the comments on here or on the video!