Hello friends! I hope you are having a beautiful October Saturday. Here in South Carolina we are just starting to see the colors change for the fall season. Its a bit cool to me today but really its perfect. No air going....windows are open, ceiling fans on, just airing out our home. This is the perfect time of year to do it before winter comes and everything has to be closed up. I have been up for a long while but I haven't really accomplished much. Instead I have been doing tons of work on the computer. I try to take Saturday to do all my updates, defrag my hard drive, etc. Its still going on right now but its at the point where I can do other things online now. I have been on the hunt for a new laptop. I have a Sony Vaio that I adore and I just found out they no longer make computers. GREAT. So now what do I get? I tried two different new ones this past month and both went back and I am still on the Sony. So I figured while I am busy searching for the right laptop, I better take really good care of this one. Thank God it still has windows 7 on it...8 is plain awful. Anyway, that's what I have been up to. I still have a lot I want to try to get accomplished today.
Toss Laundry around - and put it up where it belongs.....something that never seems to happen.

There are even more flowers on the way and I plan on doing a full review. However, if you guys want a great deal for some beautiful flowers, the link in the → side bar where you can get 15% off your first order! :)