Happy Weekend! | Saturday To Do's |

Saturday, October 11, 2014
Hello friends! I hope you are having a beautiful October Saturday. Here in South Carolina we are just starting to see the colors change for the fall season. Its a bit cool to me today but really its perfect. No air going....windows are open, ceiling fans on, just airing out our home. This is the perfect time of year to do it before winter comes and everything has to be closed up. I have been up for a long while but I haven't really accomplished much. Instead I have been doing tons of work on the computer. I try to take Saturday to do all my updates, defrag my hard drive, etc. Its still going on right now but its at the point where I can do other things online now. I have been on the hunt for a new laptop. I have a Sony Vaio that I adore and I just found out they no longer make computers. GREAT. So now what do I get? I tried two different new ones this past month and both went back and I am still on the Sony. So I figured while I am busy searching for the right laptop, I better take really good care of this one. Thank God it still has windows 7 on it...8 is plain awful. Anyway, that's what I have been up to. I still have a lot I want to try to get accomplished today. 

Toss Laundry around - and put it up where it belongs.....something that never seems to happen. 

Try to maybe run a couple errands....I need to go check the PO Box and I also need to do a quick run to the dollar tree. That might happen tomorrow though...not sure. 
Vacuum all the cat hair off the floor. Having 4 long haired Persian kitty cats doesn't help at all. I wish I could find a use for all that hair! It's a never ending job. 
Add fresh water to my beautiful roses from bouqs! 

There are even more flowers on the way and I plan on doing a full review. However, if you guys want a great deal for some beautiful flowers, the link in the → side bar where you can get 15% off your first order! :) 
Finish some food prep for the upcoming week. Stay tuned for a food haul w/ my shopping vlog coming up today. You guys really seemed to like this video so I plan on having another one up soon. 
Wash all the bedding...that is for sure happening today. I think I am going to get Jackson to help by pulling off the sheets and getting the pillow cases off the pillows. He should love that. NOT.
Try not to think about Amanda Bynes. I was just saying in Friday Letters that I was worried about her. Well now she is back to the hospital hopefully getting the help she needs. Its so hard not to think about the shit I hear on CNN. 
BTW...its official we are taking off on a big family cruise this coming June. I think there are like 25 people already signed up to go. My mom is all over it and basically the ring leader. If any family is reading this, if you want to go the dates are June 22-26 leaving out of Tampa. Contact me and I will put you in touch with her. There is some kind of discount because so many people are going so come on and go with us! The boat is huge....you don't have to be around anyone you don't want. So vacation is underway. I am so thankful Scott got it ok'd at his new job! I will tell you more about it in the months to come. 
I need to really get the first floor bathroom cleaned up and reorganized today. Its the most used bathroom in the house and always requires more work than what my big bathroom does. That needs to happen today. 
Tonight I am making one of the plated meals for Scott and myself. If you don't know what I am talking about..... check out this instagram video and it shows you! I will have to make Jackson something different which is totally ok...he wouldn't like it anyway. 
Hide from my neighbor. Yep....  I am keeping the blinds closed more because this house is full of windows. I need a house in the country.

Give Cooper a good workout on the treadmill a little later. Its perfect weather for it. 
Answer emails and comments later this evening. I don't know how many I will get through but I will do my best. I already answered a lot of emails this morning. :) 
I am sure many other things are going to pop up for me as the day goes on. Its still a long day for Scott. I doubt he will be home before 8:30. I do appreciate the time to myself so I can get a lot done but I also hate it when he has to work so late.  We are still all adjusting to new schedules but this one I already showed is working well for me right now! I hope you have a great Saturday. I will be back in a bit with that food haul.