Hello friends! I hope you are having a wonderful Monday. As many of you know... I post a week in review recapping what happened over the week & weekend. Its something that I have been doing off and on for years. Its just a simple way to give you guys a glimpse into our week. I have changed up the vlogging schedule where I will be uploading a Day in the life vlog Monday...as always and then another on Thursday. Monday's vlog will cover Friday, Saturday and Sunday of the previous week and Thursdays vlog will be for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Actually I might be adding more vlogs in during the week...depending on how much I vlog. This time there is 2 ditl vlogs! :)
So the beginning of the week was a bit more hectic. I did a blog post where I shared this vlog already but I always like to share all the vlogs in the week in review blog post together. Monday was a bit harder than the rest of the days and then I just stayed busy. Here is the vlog from the first part of the week:
As we moved on into Friday, I did a really good job of keeping myself busy. It's hard with of all the hours Scott has to work but it does give me plenty of time to get things done. Here's how things have gone around here the past few days. More below!
Friday I started out at the computer and stayed there for a while. I never seem to be able to stay caught up for long. Right now...I have a inbox full of emails I need to respond to. But I do take time to do computer work almost daily so it was a easy way to start the day. Then as afternoon set in, it was time to get Romeo to the Vet. We want him to live forever and he was the only one left for their yearly shots and such. Thankfully he got a great bill of health but does need his teeth cleaned in a few months. He's such a love and did great in the office even out of his cage. Our new Vet is not all fancy. She works alone with a little staff but she spends so much time with us and doesn't rush out or give up easily. I believe it is because of her that Super Cooper is seizure free.
We came home and relaxed until Scott got home. Then it was back out to the Asian buffet with 2 preteen boys! It was an experience. Jackson was super sleepy...which means he was a grump and dinner wasn't exactly as I had hoped but we got them fed and both Jackson and Hunter fell asleep pretty quick once we got home.
Saturday it was another slow to start day but eventually I got up and did some cleaning and then a little shopping. :) It seems like every spring we are doing a lot of shopping. I got some more simple short and shirt combos that will be great for everyday and we all got new Nikes. I am not so sure of the hot pink ones without shocks but I am giving them a try. They are pretty comfortable but I am still not so sure. I'm sure they will be fine though.
Once I got back home it was back to cleaning up things, doing laundry and waiting on Scott to get home. Like I said, it's hard because I miss him. He actually said he wanted to putt and chip to warm up a little before his big game on Sunday. Well... that sure was not happening with him being gone all day on Sunday. It's hard for him to even balance life, work, family, fun. I kinda snapped at him and instead of spending his evening on the golf course, he took us out to the Melting Pot for dinner instead! We were planning on eating there for our anniversary dinner but plans got changed up and we ended taking Jackson with us and just making it a family affair! ♥
The food was amazing. It is a bit of work to cook your own dinner but it's so much fun. I wish we had all the kids with us for that dinner because even though we all were kinda tired and grumpy...we had a great time! We filled up on bread and cheese... salads... lobster and steak and then finished it up with a yen and yang chocolate pot that was simply amazing. It wasn't cheap but the food, experience, and family time was worth every penny! It had been a while since I had been and Jackson had never been before. It's great for young adults! We were all so stuffed when we walked waddled out there that I ended up driving so Scott and Jackson could nap on the way home! As soon as they walked in the house it was straight into the beds they went. The house was silent and it was long before I was in dreamland too!
Sunday Scott was up kinda early and got on the greens pretty early. I saw him off and then enjoyed the morning around the house. The weather is really warming up ( even though we are suppose to have a lot of rain this week ) and we have really been enjoying it. I took a little time to redo the patio area with some simple changes. I got a new umbrella, cushions and such pretty butterfly outside pillows. I got those items at Lowes and I even got some flowers to add a little more color out there.
I have enjoyed having my morning coffee out there watching and listening to the birds sing and watch the sunrise. For some reason I have been getting up earlier. I was up kinda late last night so I am moving a little slower today but hey..it's Monday! I have cleaning to do, dinner to get in the crockpot, and a pair of shorts to exchange. Plus Scott should be home an hour or so early so I have got to just get moving! And here's even more I want to accomplish this week ↓
This weeks to do’s
- Get prescriptions from Walgreens.
- Get the new drying rack put together. That should be fun.
- Try to walk once a day for 30 minutes.
- Paint nails...which I don't enjoy that much.
- Look for new living room furniture. Yep.. it's about time.
- Order Scott's birthday present.
- Figure out what excursions we are doing while on the Cruise. We have to pick them out and get them paid for because they book up.
- Clean up the DVRS.
- Put plants out in the rain one day this week to water and rinse them off.
- Clean out and organize under kitchen sink.
- Work in planner....things got changed around.
- Dump photos from phone for storage.
- Add new menu to chalkboard wall.
- Check on movie times for Tuesday's Day Date.
- Clean out car before Scott takes it and brings the Mini Cooper.
- Make time for a board game with Jackson.
- Give the jet bathtub cleaned really well...all around the jets and such. It needs it.
- Order a vote for Hilary Teeshirt. Yep..I sure am.
- Order trash service. I hate taking it to the dump all the time. So we are paying for it
- Make more time to read.
- Package up giveaway prizes and mail out this week.
- Toss all pillows in the dryer a little at a time to freshen up.
- Wake up!! I am so sleepy today!
- Fertilize new plants on a day with no rain.
- Put away laundry....story of my life. * Sigh
Little Blessings
Being I haven't been able to get the Thankful Thursday blog posts up in a while, I thought I would include some of those little blessings with you in these week in review blog post. ♥
♥ My spoils me. He really does. I am not always deserving of it but it's a blessing to have such a giving husband.
♥ Seeing Jackson play with the neighborhood kids. He is so shy that it has taken over 2 years to get him comfortable all while I am ready to move.. But I am here still because its so nice that he is actually going outside and playing with his friends instead of being in his room on the xbox.
♥ Romeos clean bill of health. I want that cat to be around as long as possible. He is so loved. I thought for sure she was going to tell me that he was overweight. But NOPE! She said he is picture of great health. Loved that!
♥ The food at the Melting Pot was delicious but nothing beats that chocolate pot at the end. I was seriously in some kind of high by time I was done. It was amazing and I savored every bite!
♥ The birds are back to singing to me.I just love it.
♥ Catching up with all the women in my life these past few days has been so amazing. I have a wonderful family and wonderful friends who inspire me and who always lift me up. Each of them are complete blessings.
♥ Listening to my mom giggle and laugh about the cruise we are all going on. She is so happy and it's infectious. :)
Here's some inspiration to take you through the week:
Thank you guys for stopping by. I hope you have a beautiful blessed week and get a chance to enjoy some of the beauty that spring is bringing us. Actually this week it's suppose to rain a lot but hopefully it will these April showers will bring us some beautiful May flowers! I hope you guys are having a great Monday. ♥ If you are new here, I'd love it you took a second to subscribe!