Target & Dollar Tree Shopping Haul w/ Shopping Vlog!

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Hello friends! I hope your Thursday is going well. I have been busy with all kinds of things today including a little shopping at Target and Dollar Tree. I haven't been a big shopper of Target because I didn't think one was close to me. However, I found out how wrong I was when Brittany pointed out there was a Target within 15 minutes of our house. Yay! So I ventured out today to see what I could find...Hope you enjoy! 

I am sure many of you guys know the gems that you can sometimes find at Target. I have always loved it but just was never close to one. I had fun today just seeing what that particular store had to offer. Plus I think I saved a lot of money with the coupons and the cartweel app which was also nice. I also got the few things from the Dollar Tree while I was out which killed two birds with one stone. :) Thanks so much for stopping by. I hope you have a wonderful night. xx