Happy Sunday Friends! I hope you are having a wonderful morning. We are still waking up around here... In fact, I think husby went back to bed a few minutes ago. Hes upstairs and being very quiet so yea.. I bet he is back in bed but Jackson and I are up. The sleep will do him good so I am just leaving him alone! Plus he have an off day next week so he better get all the rest now that he can get. I hope everyone of you are staying warm and doing ok. This cold winter storm is hitting so many of us. Thankfully here in SC we are just getting a little rain and no snow....yet. But its cold and nasty outside.
I can't believe that we have all made it through the first week of January. I remember typing that I thought Christmas was coming too fast and here we are.. moving right along in 2014. I think this new year gives us all a chance to do things over.. better than the year before.
Have a wonderful day.. I'll be back in a bit!
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