- Its freezing cold here. I shouldn't complain because so many others have it much worse, but dang... its cold!
- For what ever reason, I can't figure out enough time to get everything done in the day. I wish I could just spend 1 entire day working at the computer... and just maybe I could get 1/2 caught up.
- My husband has been driving me crazy the past few days. He's wearing me out.. hopefully tomorrow he will be calmer and easier to live with.
- I'm currently watching City of Angles.. and gosh the beginning is always so sad to watch. :( And so is the end.
- I can't wait to get my Erin Condren Life Planner. It shouldn't be too long before it gets here... Its going to be fun getting it put together! I will for sure to a few videos on it!
- Tonights Evening Prayer is about ESCAPE...perfect fit to my life right now. Funny how things happen sometimes. Its like right now.. tonight... is when I am suppose to read that passage. I already did.. and its so fitting to how I have been feeling. Thank you God for the beautiful message.
- I don't know how in the hell my closet back to being a total mess. It looks a bomb went off and I just cleaned it up a couple weeks ago. Why is that the one room/space that can never stay organized?
- Jackson starts back to school on Monday. I am dreading the cold early mornings but really hoping he will do better with school all the way around.
- My mom finally made it back to Texas. I think they hit every casino coming and going! :) I am sure they are happy to be back home!
- I am going to plan my grocery list again tomorrow off the sale ad. Wish me luck!! I am really trying to save money on our food bill... and shopping the sales does help. But I am DONE buying the cheap coffee. The coffee this week has been awful.
- My skin feels super dry... I am sure its from too hot baths... and the heat being on all the time. I have been using some great lotion though.. need to get a review up on it soon.
- I am uploading a 30 minute vlog.. and that was after I cut it down and it has taken almost 5 hours to upload. Its crazy how long youtube takes and we have really good internet so it makes no sense.
- I have been carrying a small purse and to be very honest... I don't like it much. I need more room.. so even though I just switched, I think I am going to switch again tomorrow. Probably around the same time I am cleaning up that closet.
- For some reason I keep thinking 2014 is going to be great....I think all that matters is I am proud of the decisions I make throughout the year, that I am proud of the words that come from my mouth, and that even though mistakes will be made, I hope I am proud how I handled and learned from them. So that is my goal.. to be proud at the end of the year that I did my best.
- I can hear my husband snoring through the wall right now. He sounds like a big bear. Thank goodness for our seperate bedrooms otherwise I would be going crazy right now. I just can't handle that snoring. No thank you. But I am glad he is sleeping well!
- Scott and I did a little online Christmas shopping tonight. He got a watch and I got this new set of Rachal Ray Cookware and measuring spoons. Can't wait for them to come in!
- Its late... sleep meds are kicking in...and time drift off to another place. Wonder what I will dream about tonight.
Sweet Dreams
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