#Summerfit Vlog- From Start to Finish! -[ Video ]

Tuesday, July 9, 2013
So yesterday was our normal day to go do some swimming. As you will see in the video below.. it wasn't easy getting started. I just wanted to stay home and  not go work out. And swimming laps is a work out. When I am finished, my heart rate is up, my face is red, and I am wore out! I  big fitness fanatic.. Really, I am just trying to get my body feeling better in every way. I am eating a little more healthy...putting some excise in my life.. and trying to center my soul. Believe me, I never work out and I can do laps! I have really been enjoying our time at the YMCA. I think its well worth it. And just so you know, they do work with you if you are on a lower income which is nice. I know a lot of families just don't have the $75 a month for a membership. Just go to your local YMCA website and print the form. The idea is to just to add as much as you are comfortable to your healthy routine and keep increasing little by little. The YMCA is a great place to start it. 

Here's my journey from morning in the house to finishing with dinner! Don't forget to use #SummerFit to show me what you are doing this summer to stay fit! 

Hope you enjoy!

K Jaggers

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