Night ♥

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Late night hello to you all. I should be already asleep but I am just finishing up and need to unwind a little before I can just go to sleep. I hope you had a wonderful day. It was rather busy for me. 

I did a lot of shopping.. if you want to see the hauls you can click right here. I felt pretty good so shopping wasn't that big of a deal. Plus it was sunny and it felt really good. I crave sunlight and fresh air. I hate winter. 

Then I pretty much stayed busy with getting the house together. I don't know if I will ever get it all done but I am trying. I was talking to Scott tonight about getting one of those big plastic bags/dumpsters and parking it in the driveway and filling it up with all the shit I want to get rid of. He thinks it will cost a fortune. I keep seeing the commercials and I plan on calling. I really want to get the garage cleaned out.. I want so much stuff gone. I keep working at it now and tomorrow I am going to get rid of all kinds of stuff in the dining room. Yes that might sound strange but we all a bunch boxes and stuff in there. Time to clean it up. 

I was lucky and didn't have to cook tonight. I was planning on making some of the Husband Approved Steak Sandwich for dinner but Jackson wasn't hungry and Scott didn't want to eat. So I just munched through out the night. I did however clean the kitchen really well. I moved everything off the counters and cleaned for hours. I even cleaned out the frig just to make room for the new groceries! 

Scott was so grumpy tonight. I was trying to be kind and understanding to his lack of sleep but gosh.. I wanted to put him in bed from the second he got home. But we had to run an errand and then came home and plopped in front of the tv for about an hour or so. Then he went straight to bed and I went right into a


hot bubble bath. It felt amazing. Last night I didn't have hot water.. so it was a quick bath.. tonight I relaxed in there for close to an hour.

Ohhh.. guess what!? I got a birthday gift in the mail yesterday!!!

I wanted new bedding and I love all white. I got it all put on and it looks so pretty! I will have to take a picture or do a quick video to show you! I love it!! Thank you mom!!

Well morning is going to be here before I know it. I have a few more errands tomorrow. I forgot a few things at CVS, I need to run to the bank and also Jacksons School. We are just trying to get into the grove of things again. Its still not a really easy time around our home. Staying busy helps. I am also going to try to get a updated skin care routine video up this week too. Stay tuned. 

I hope you guys have a great Wednesday! 

K Jaggers
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