Happy Sunday!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

I hope you are having a beautiful Sunday. I won't lie.. I slept till almost 12pm today. Yea.. I am blaming it on the damn time change! I have so much to do in the next couple days that I am going to need all the sleep I can get. I am actually going to really start packing tonight so I don't have to rush around too much on Tuesday. Plus if I pack now, I am more likely to NOT forget anything. 

So this morning I am sound asleep and wake up to Gabby in my face with a kitten in her mouth. She was trying to move them all on the bed. I let her too. She moved them again before I got up to under the night stand... and now they are down stairs next to me. 

( This is a picture from a different litter.. just showing you how she does it! )  But I will get more of her packing the new babies around too! 

Its so freaking adorable to watch her pack them around! But it was pretty nuts to have her trying to put them on the pillow beside me while I was sleeping. (:

I think later today we are heading out to go hiking together for an hour or so. I am not really wanting to get dirty and tired but I think the fresh air will do us all good. I think we all have spring fever and need is it just to warm up! I am ready to open the windows.. light the grill..and enjoy the sunshine. Come on summer!!!!

Well my husband is getting ready to go to town and then that hike is coming up.. I wonder if I am going to regret it later. Hopefully we will start out with an easy hike because its been a while and we are all out out of shape. But its kinda warm out .. 66 so its perfect weather for a hike and the dog will love it. 

I hope you have a great day and I will be back later. 

Happy Sunday! 

K Jaggers

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